CII, FSSAI aim at strengthening food system for better health


14th CII Food Safety, Quality & Regulatory Summit held on 11th December in New Delhi

With India emerging as a global food basket, the need to strengthen strategies towards managing product integrity, aligned with emerging regulatory trends to achieve global excellence in food safety has become central to our policy discourse. Moreover, the trend of mindful eating, shifting trends in advertising, access to social media, are providing consumers transparency into not only the food products they purchase but also on the origins and ingredients of their food. Thus, ensuring Food Safety in the entire food value chain has become a priority for Food Businesses as well as Consumers.

In this backdrop, the Confederation of Indian Industry in partnership with Food Safety Standards Authority of India organized the 14th CII Food Safety, Quality & Regulatory Summit on 11th December in New Delhi.

Pawan Kumar Agarwal, Chief Executive Officer, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), said that “Public health is achieved when public confidence is garnered and that is the aim of all the institutions that work together for a better food system”. He shared his vision for the next four years where he outlined the Vision statement with four major goals: Firstly, significantly reduce unsafe, non-standard and mis branded food, second noticeably raise hygiene levels in processing and preparation of food across the supply chain. Third, ensure that two third of the food is healthy, promote healthier and sustainable diets and develop right eating culture informed by India’s rich and diverse food culture and modern principles of science. And fourth build robust institutions and ecosystems through partnerships and networks to deliver on the above goals. He concluded by saying that “The gap between reality and perception can be eradicated when the food ecosystem becomes safer and more efficient with better hygiene, sanitation and regulations”



The event was attended by more than 250 plus Food Safety & Quality professionals.

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