Nestlé supports WHO recommendations of breastfeeding

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Nestlé believes breastmilk is the ideal nutrition for babies and it supports and promotes the WHO’s recommendation on breastfeeding

The World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and other civil society organizations published a Call to Action, calling on manufacturers of breast-milk substitutes to take steps towards full implementation of the WHO International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes (Code).

Nestlé shares the common goal of working together to ensure breastfeeding and optimal nutrition for all mothers, infants and young children worldwide. It also shares the Call to Action’s ambition of full Code compliance by industry and the implementation of the Code globally by 2030. It is reviewing the Call to Action and will publish our response soon.

Nestlé believes breastmilk is the ideal nutrition for babies and it supports and promotes the WHO’s recommendation on breastfeeding.

“We comply with the Code and relevant resolutions of World Health Assembly (WHA) as implemented by national governments everywhere in the world, as a minimum. Over the years, we have taken significant steps to strengthen our breastmilk substitutes marketing practices and will continue to do so.  Nestlé welcomes fair feedback from stakeholders that helps us to continuously improve. We highly respect the role that WHOUNICEF and civil society organizations have played in advancing this issue.”

The Call to Action recognizes that a level playing field for all companies is essential. In the absence of legislation, achieving such a level playing field will require everyone to work together, including us. Nestlé is committed to leading the way and encourages all stakeholders to work together to achieve this important goal.

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