Technology disrupting dietary supplement industry in India

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At this time of uncertainty, people prefer more one-time investment rather than spending money every month on supplements

As the population of the country will increase in the coming years, the change in the country might occur in several points. But currently, the change is seen in front of our eyes, the Coronavirus has significantly had unanticipated impacts on every sector and industry.

The pandemic has resulted in massive disruption in the Fitness industry as well. It’s been hard for people to digest the situation of not going to the gym and fitness centers in this lockdown due to Covid-19.

During the first quarter of 2020, Covid-19 spread took place globally due to which many countries underwent lockdown including India. These times of uncertainty and financial crisis has been hard for individuals and also for businesses. As people have started adapting to the new normal situation in India, the home or quarantine workouts have made their pace in this COVID period.

In this midst of Covid-19 consumers and suppliers are worried because of disruption in the global food and dietary supplements industry. Manufacturing was shut for a while because when the coronavirus started spreading in India, the laborers who were working in cities moved to their villages. This situation of Covid-19 has changed the fact that now fitness will be more driven by technology.

There are still not many apps that can shred your extra and muscle for you that you have to do on your own but there are some applications that are specially built for workout routines like exercising, aerobics and yoga. The digital fitness market is on boom today and is right now experiencing long term consumer engagement.

Digital fitness connects a person to the correct equipment and streaming fitness content, which is today very essential for the people who are fitness enthusiasts.

At this time the dietary supplements industry is in difficult positions as consumers are not focusing much on less essential products like supplements and protein drinks. Today fitness is also driven by technology in any way or the other. Here are some technology products that are being an asset in the fitness industry.


  1. Cure fit application


Cure fit is an application that fits all the contenders. This application provides live and exclusive DIY workouts and yoga sessions by professional trainers. They also keep track of your daily workouts and health. They also help you in meditation through videos, audiobooks, sleep stories and more.


  1. Home Workout


Home workout is a fitness application that sets your weekly goals to better shape your body. This application gives you freedom for choosing the workout according to your choice. You can pick your workout accordingly and if you want to do more abs and chest on a particular day. Before this, they also help you do your warm-up and stretching exercises. In a lockdown, the home workout app is giving free access to all the users until July.


  1. Fitness Watches


Today fitness wearable products like a fitness watch or tracker are very trendy and useful. These activity trackers monitor your fitness-related metrics which plays importance in your fitness journey. A fitness watch is not just a digital watch but it also covers the distance you run or walk every day, and it also shows your heart rate, and how much calories burnt in a day. These watches are updated and can sync with your smartphones as well. These wrist bands or watches are even a sign of fashion today and that’s the reason that people still wear it when they don’t work out. This shows that today people are relying on technology and they started believing in core workout and healthy eating and that’s why the demand for dietary supplements is decreasing day by day.


  1. Home Gym Machineries


In this quarantine at home, people are missing their very important place, gyms. As global pandemic hits and disrupts our lives, people need to be more conscious about their health and that’s why people are spending their money on gym equipment. Some fitness enthusiasts are purchasing gym dumbbells, resistance bands, and many other small and handy gym equipment whereas some are building their own in house gyms for the future. At this time of uncertainty, people prefer more one-time investment rather than spending money every month on supplements.



Dr Anuj Choudhary, Founder, Animal Booster Nutrition, New Delhi

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