Germkill India uses citrus fruit extracts to fight COVID-19

Image credit- germkillindia

Citrobioshield is a natural and organic anti-infective agent effective against COVID-19

Germkill India has innovated a completely bio organic product Citrobioshield which has been time tested for anti microbial activity to be very effective against Covid-19. 

This was announced in collaboration with BRAINS Hospital in Bengaluru where this product has undergone detailed preclinical testing for the last three months and has been proven very effective.

Citrobioshield is 100% natural and organic broad spectrum, multipurpose antimicrobial with effective activity against SARS-CoV2 virus. This is a Made-in-India antimicrobial, stable upto 108 degree centigrade and fulfills all the criteria for an ideal disinfectant while being safe for the environment, humans and animals.

It is essentially an extract of citrus fruits containing sinensis and citrus reticulate (Bio flavonoids).  It is formulated and manufactured in Bengaluru by Germkill India.

Citrobioshield has a rapid onset and long lasting bactericidal, fungicidal and viricidal activity. The 10% Citrobioshield solution was completely viricidal for SARS-CoV2 with a contact time of just 10 minutes. It has been tested and found effective against many microorganisms of clinical significance (such as Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas, Candida albicans, E Coli ,SARS-CoV2, HIV) in both laboratory and clinical settings.

This product has undergone detailed preclinical testing and has been shown to be non-toxic in animals by both oral and inhalation routes. Citrobioshield inhalation has been clinically tested in COVID19 patients and found to be completely safe.

Dr. R Nagaraja Naidu, the inventor and Founder of Germkill India said, “The entire testing process has been conducted and validated as per the ICMR guidelines. Hence, we recommend that this should be adopted as a routine sterilization process as well as a preventive measure for the Covid-19 at all healthcare destinations. We sincerely request the Govt. of India and the respective state governments direct the authorities for such implementation.”

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