Govt enhances budgetary allocation for drinking water supply infrastructure

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Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance (WQMS) activities are given priority

The government has released Rs 5,968 crore to 15 States for the implementation of Jal Jeevan Mission in the financial year 2021-22. This is the first tranche of the four to be released in this financial year. Other 17 States/ UTs have been asked to send their proposals to National Jal Jeevan Mission for release of funds.

Out of the Central fund allocated under Jal Jeevan Mission, 93% of the fund is to be utilized on developing water supply infrastructure, 5% on support activities and 2% on water quality monitoring & surveillance activities.

This enhanced budgetary allocation will have huge impact on rural economy in terms of employment generation both skilled and unskilled required for creation as well as operation and maintenance of drinking water supply infrastructure, grey water treatment & its reuse. 

Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance (WQMS) activities are given priority viz. setting up of laboratories, its accreditation/ upgradation, provide training/ capacity building, carry out IEC activities, five persons especially women from each village to be trained to conduct water quality tests using Field Test Kits at village level, schools and anganwadi centres.

Announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 15th August, 2019, with the aim to provide assured tap water supply to every rural home by 2024, Jal Jeevan Mission is being implemented in partnership with States/ UTs.


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