Godrej’s Food and Microbiology lab drives consumer-centric innovation
Shows the benefit of TurmXTRA®60N at a small dose of 250mg for healthy individuals who experience some knee pain after workouts
Mumbai-based Nutriventia brand from Inventia Healthcare, has announced a new study on its unique turmeric branded ingredient, TurmXTRA®60N published in Clinical Pharmacology: Advances and Applications.
“This study is pivotal since it showcases the benefits of a small dose of TurmXTRA®60N, that in healthy subjects and as more people become active, a supplement that helps preserve knee structure and function we feel will be highly sought after,” said Anand Godbole, Assistant Vice -president of marketing and strategy, Inventia.
The 90-day, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial was conducted in 96 healthy adults who experienced chronic knee pain following physical exertion resulting in significant improvement in terms of joint comfort, mobility, and performance post physical exertion.
The participants reported significant and clinically relevant improvement in efficacy variables as early as day 45, measurement of which was done on various test parameters that evaluated various aspects of mobility of joints and perception of pain.
The authors concluded that a three-month supplementation with 250mg of TurmXTRA®60N, once daily, improved joint comfort and improved joint performance and mobility in healthy subjects with chronic knee pain.
The study is the final part of a complete clinical package which evolved from a preclinical study that established the 10 times higher bioavailability as compared to standard turmeric extract in an equal dose format and a pharmacokinetic study in healthy human subjects and established Bioequivalence of a 250mg dose of TurmXTRA®60N to 1575mg standard turmeric extract with 95 per cent curcuminoids.