Mumbai-based Masina Hospital unveils nutritional kitchen

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For high nutrient consumption and faster recovery of patients

Masina Hospital in Byculla, Mumbai has launched a kitchen where the fundamentals of healthy and hygienic eating are being followed. Patients are served balanced meals that include good quality proteins, less oil, high fibre complex carbohydrates and antioxidant-rich foods. 


The hospital has replaced regular market sodium salt with rock salt as it is less in sodium content. The management has minimised sugar usage as it is dangerous for health and replaced sugar with natural sweeteners like jaggery, raisins, fruits and dates.


Technology is used to make meals healthy by introducing equipment like the Air Fryer (Combioven) at the Masina Hospital kitchen to avoid excess oil consumption. Instead of frying in oil, the chefs are baking food and snacks like cutlets, samosa, spring rolls and dessert. 


The weekly menu is planned with the discussion of the dietician and kitchen manager, taking into consideration health as well as taste. Therapeutic diets are carefully planned for different medical conditions like diabetes, cardiac problems, renal diseases and other medical conditions.


For diabetic patients, instead of rice, broken wheat is served to provide high fibre and maintain blood sugar levels. In the cardiac unit, low fat and low salt diet are served. A high protein and calorie diet is given to burns patients, which contains a buttermilk diet. 





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