FSSAI unveils NetSCoFAN website for researchers’ interaction

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For researchers working in the area of food safety and nutrition

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has established a network of research and academic institutions working in the area of food safety and nutrition which is “Network of Scientific Cooperation for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (NetSCoFAN)”.

This network helps the Authority to build and promote scientific co-operation, exchange of information, development and implementation of joint projects, exchange of expertise and best practices in the area of food safety and nutrition.

It is comprised of 43 groups of institutions working in different areas. Groups are mapped with FSSAI Scientific Panels, National Reference Laboratories and other notified Laboratories of FSSAI.

NetSCoFAN website has now been launched as an interactive platform for all the NetSCoFAN Groups where in groups can easily update the status of their group activities and the portal also has functionality for NetSCoFAN Secretariat to review the group activities at one place as well.

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