Eating alone might be bad for the heart: Study

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Older women eating alone were 2.58 times more likely to have angina, a type of chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart and a symptom of coronary artery disease

As women age, their risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) exceeds men’s largely because of decreased levels of estrogen that regulate vascular function. As a result, much research is focused on various risk factors.

A new study in the US suggests that eating alone may contribute to an increased risk of heart disease in older women.

As part of the overall effort to reduce the incidence of CVD, there has been a growing awareness of healthy eating habits; however, the importance of having an eating companion has been largely overlooked in previous studies.

Recent changes in society have meant that more people than ever are eating alone. Some of the primary reasons include a rise in the number of single-person households. Social distancing protocols introduced in response to the COVID19 pandemic have further restricted eating meals with others. Additionally, mobile platforms for food delivery services have become more popular, further motivating people to eat alone.

With more people eating alone, health concerns have been raised.Eating alone also can affect mental health and has been reported as a risk factor for depression, which is also linked with an increased risk of CVD.

Researchers have revealed that older women who ate alone had poorer nutritional knowledge and intake. More specifically, it was found that older women who ate alone had lower intakes of energy, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, sodium, and potassium that those who ate with others.

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