MoFPI brings India’s 1st plant based foods summit on 26th May

The aim of this summit is to offer strategic opportunities to the players in the plant-based foods industry

Announced by the Ministry of Food Processing Industries Government of India (MOFPI) and Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), the Plant Based Foods Industry Association (PBFIA) is set to organize the 1st Plant Based Foods Summit. The event, which is slated for Thursday, May 26th, 2022, will be organized at Hotel Le Meridien, New Delhi, in the presence of Prahlad Singh Patel, Minister of Food Processing Industries.

This is a unique event in many ways – i) inviting food scientists to collaborate with young startups, ii) cooperation with the Plant Based Foods Association of the USA, with their CEO Rachel Dreskin and Chairperson of the Board Nicole Sopko also participating the summit and iii) plant-based foods startups coming forward to communicate through their product tastings. 

The aim of this summit is to offer strategic opportunities to the players in the plant-based foods industry and facilitate a platform for networking that elicits conversations surrounding the market size, emerging technologies, existing concerns facing the industry, and contributions leaders in powerful positions can make. The summit is also likely to facilitate the tasting of plant-based foods products during the conference time as well as in the afternoon Business-to-Business Meetings.

Keeping in mind the response rate, the upcoming event anticipates the attendance of 100+ scientists and 100+ entrepreneurs that would observe, as well as participate, in the summit to share their insights on the industry position.

Other than that, the event is also expected to have a report launch on “The Dawn of a Plant-based Age: India to Lead the Way to World Food Security and Nutrition”. Reportedly, the paper covers different aspects of the plant-based foods industry; namely The Global Plant-based Industry, Current Plant-based Foods Industry and Market Trends in India, Plant-based Foods as a Strategic Opportunity for India, and Recommendations for the Government of India and other stakeholders to support the plant-based foods sector.

A separate round of discussion on the Policy Side of Government, Quality Policy of Products, and Supply Chain and Logistics are also scheduled to take place during the event.

Image credit- shutterstock

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