Thermo Fisher launches new diagnostic kit for milk contamination

thermo fisher

Thermo Fisher Scientific has launched the Applied Biosystems VetMAX MastiType Multi qPCR Kit for quickly identifying the most common mastitis-causing pathogens, enabling dairy farmers and veterinarians to take immediate and informed action.


The new kit is designed to detect 15 mastitis-causing bacteria and an antibiotic resistance gene with just one diagnostic test. It provides reliable results with individual cow samples or bulk milk samples, which can be fresh, frozen or preserved.


Real-time PCR kits, such as the new VetMAX MastiType Multi Kit, offer laboratory results in two and a half to three hours, enabling same-day results even for Mycoplasma species. Mycoplasma mastitis, which can be difficult to culture, can take up to 10 days with traditional bacterial culturing. The pathogen can spread swiftly, making rapid diagnosis critical for the health, welfare and productivity of the herd.


Laboratories also benefit from VetMAX MastiType Multi Kit’s fast and convenient new workflow using the MagMAX CORE nucleic acid extraction. It uses the Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 5 instrumentation which employs cloud-based software solutions.

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