Godrej’s Food and Microbiology lab drives consumer-centric innovation
The Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Ludhiana, has entered into an agreement with Generation Seeds Private Limited, Patiala for commercialization of PSM 1 (Bell pepper) and PRO 7 (Onion) varieties.
The Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) was signed by Dr Pushpinder Pal Singh Pannu, Additional Director of Research in the presence of Dr Navtej Singh Bains, Director Research, PAU and Dr. G.K. Sangha, Dean, CoBS&H (College of Basic Science and Humanity) on behalf of PAU while the same was done by representatives of Generation Seeds, Paramjit Singh Chandi and Gurwinder Singh.
Dr Ajmer Singh Dhatt, Head, Department of Vegetable Science, PAU informed that PRO 7 is an early maturing variety that has large red coloured bulbs. Its average yield is 160 quintals per acre and can be stored for longer period.
Dr Salesh Jindal, Assistant Vegetable Breeder, Department of Vegetable Science added that the plants of PSM-1 are vigorous, tall and prolific bearers. The fruits are uniform, non-pungent, dark green and weigh 82 g each. The variety is able to produce seed in plains of Punjab. The variety is tolerant to high temperature and suitable for cultivation under both polynet house and low tunnel. Its average yield is 242 and 82 q per acre under polynet house and low tunnel, respectively.