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The conference is being held from 5th-7th Dec 2019
The National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) will be hosting the 5th IUPHAR World Conference on the Pharmacology of Natural Products under the theme ‘NATURAL MEDICINES FOR HEALTHY AGEING: FROM MOLECULAR TARGETS TO THERAPY’.
The conference is being held from 5th-7th Dec 2019. The conference aims to provide a platform to share experiences and prepare a strategic approach in harmonizing the guidelines for natural products research through a series of plenaries, group discussions & presentations.
IUPHAR is a member of the International Science Council (previously ICSU), and is a voluntary independent non-profit association representing the interests of over 37,000 pharmacologists and about 50 national associations world-wide. The Indian Pharmacological Society (IPS) is also a member of International Union of Basic and Clinical pharmacology (IUPHAR) and has completed 50 years of successful professional existence.
The 5th IUPHAR World Conference on the Pharmacology of Natural Medicine (5th WCP-NP-2019) is being conducted for the first time in association with the IPS at ICMR-National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad.
In addition, a preconference workshop will take place on 4th Dec, 2019 to highlight applications of new tools such as metabolomics; Immune – pharmacology and natural products; and harmonization procedures for validations of natural products.