Mars, JVP to foster Foodtech solutions In Israel

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New collaboration with leading Israeli academic research institutions will focus on food, wellness, agriculture and nutrition

Jerusalem Venture Partners (JVP), a leading international venture capital fund, announced today a new partnership with Mars, Incorporated, on a first-of-its-kind research and development agreement in Israel aiming to pursue innovative tech solutions for global food, agriculture and nutrition challenges.

By collaborating on R&D investment, Mars will support Israeli start-ups and the formation of companies, and will work together with leading Israeli academic institutions, such as the Hebrew University, the Weizmann Institute, the Technion, Migall and Tel Hai College, among others, to further Foodtech innovations. Mars Edge and the Mars Advanced Research Institute, representing Mars, will explore the converging fields of food, health and technology fueling the next generation of agriculture and nutrition.

The partnership will tackle major global sustainability issues by providing scalable solutions to the challenges of feeding humanity in a way that preserves and protects the environment. It has the potential to unlock opportunities in the emerging space of personalized nutrition.

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