NIFTEM organises workshop on food biotech trends


Around 42 participants including students and scientists from different colleges and universities of India and Ethiopia participated in the workshop

Three day workshop on “Current Trends in Food Biotechnology” was organized by National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management, Sonipat, Haryana from 7th to 9th August 2019 in collaboration with National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI), Mohali, Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing (CIAB), Mohali and Biotechnology & Bio-process Center of Excellence, Addis Ababa Science and Technology University, Ethiopia. The workshop was sponsored by the Department of Science & Technology.

Around 42 participants including students and scientists from different colleges and universities of India and Ethiopia participated in the workshop. Dr. T.R. Sharma, Executive Director NABI was the chief guest. Prominent speakers from reputed organizations including IIT Delhi, ICAR-NDRI Karnal and Delhi University were also present.

Dr. J. S. Rana, Registrar, NIFTEM briefly addressed the audience about the importance of biotechnology in the field of engineering, science and technology and agriculture.

Dr. Chindi Vasudevappa, Vice Chancellor, NIFTEM welcomed the chief guest and expressed his gratitude towards collaboration with NABI, CIAB and Ababa Science and Technology University, Ethiopia.

Addressing the audience, the Vice Chancellor, NIFTEM emphasized on organizing similar workshops which not only provide essential knowledge but provide a platform to the budding students, scientific and technical people to interact and share experiences

Dr. T. R. Sharma addressed the audience and shared his experience of working in the field of biotechnology and being associated with genomics of different crops and his contributions towards the improvement of rice for over 28 years.

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