Godrej’s Food and Microbiology lab drives consumer-centric innovation
Dear Friends,
Welcome to the World of “NuFFooDS Spectrum”!
It is a day of rejoicing for the Academia, Industry, government bodies and departments and regulatory bodies, the Research and Development Institutions along with the Consumer, since a long gap of regular communication in the NuFFooDS sector is now getting filled with the launch of NuFFooDS Spectrum. The tremendous efforts of Jagdish Patankar, Managing Director of MM Activ Sci-Tech Communications, are to be lauded, since perhaps this is one of the first publications that addresses the agenda of the broad spectrum of Nutraceuticals, Nutritionals, Naturals, Functional Foods, Dietary Supplements, Novel Foods and New Foods in the market. Therefore this milestone shall be remembered for a long time to come.
In this sector there is a void in the media world today regarding the path of new industry growth, Innovation in R&D for new product development, harmonisation of the regulatory framework, investments in world-class infrastructure; factors that place India in the driver’s seat. Nutraceuticals, Nutritionals and Naturals and larger spectrum of the export market may see itself into higher internal consumption with the huge buying capacity in India. The “impact” agents that drive sector growth with India as a leader, with the huge amount of information of traditional medicine on the one side and 6,000 years of Traditional Knowledge on the other side, can be leveraged. This integrated media platform shall drive the Infomatics. I feel, this makes it imperative for everyone who matters in the Food, Nutritionals, Nutraceuticals, Naturals and Pharma sector to have this magazine on their table as soon as it is out on a regular basis.
The International Society for Nutraceuticals, Nutritionals and Naturals (ISNNaN), which is a partner of the Nutra India Summit every year, is also proud that this publication will facilitate the networking nationally and globally. Therefore, the members of ISNNaN will be highly privileged to be esteemed contributors for future volumes by expressing their views and experience creating a path forward to the industry to cater to, a holistic approach for a win-win situation.
Nutra India Summit, with a fantastic record of nearly 650 registrants this year and expected to grow beyond that next year in Bangalore, is an annual event that is fully supported by the Government and the Industries along with the scientific fraternity, academicians and students and will be a living voice of the views and news shared in Nuffoods Spectrum. This will hallmark the industry convergence, on a regular basis with the Regulatory News with a science-based approach.
This is a global opportunity that NuFFooDS Spectrum has for a global vision for tomorrow and a national vision for today with a clear pathway of Leadership India.
As Chairman of NuFFooDS Spectrum Advisory Board, it is a great opportunity for me not only to wish NuFFooDS Spectrum team the best, but also to remind them that there is hard work ahead. I am sure the team of NuFFooDS Spectrum with its Strong advisory board would put in 24×7 work, so that along with industry, R&D and Government we shall together position India as leader in this competitive world of “New Foods” through “NuFFooDS”.