Home Minister urges states to take issues of malnutrition and stunting in children
Heart is a vital organ of our body and the main function of it being pumping of blood to other organ systems. It is a pump, a complex one and as all other pumps, it can become clogged, breakdown and need repair.
Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death over the world. Heart diseases cause sudden death, many people die before even reaching the hospital.
It’s no secret that we need calories to fuel our body’s basic energy needs. Yet many of us find it difficult to take in the right amount—and the right kind—of fuel. No matter how many guidelines we’re given, we still crave what we know is bad for us. And in an era where sugary and fatty snacks are often within arm’s reach, resisting those cravings is becoming exceedingly difficult.
In today’s nomenclature, the term “diet” usually refers to a temporary change in food choices. But, we, nutritionists beg to differ.
Diet is nothing but an eating plan or pattern and not necessarily mean a weight loss diet, a detox diet or an Atkins diet. Lasting changes in our diet can also mean lasting changes in our energy levels, health, and waistlines. In general, as a culture we could benefit from replacing “going on or being on a diet” with “having a well-balanced diet.”
Nutrition – nourishment is the supply of food – required by organisms and cells to stay alive. In science and human medicine, nutrition is the science or practice of consuming and utilizing foods. Simply put, nutrition is food in action.
Nutrition also focuses on how diseases, conditions and problems can be prevented or lessened with a healthy diet.
Nutritional science studies how the body breaks food down (catabolism) and repairs and creates cells and tissue (anabolism) – catabolism and anabolism = metabolism. Nutritional science also examines how the body responds to food.
Why is Nutrition Important?
It Can Prevent Coronary Heart Disease. Medical practitioners who served many populations confirmed the fact that diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, obesity, tuberculosis and gastrointestinal problems requiring surgical intervention did not occur until the people began incorporating foods like sugar, white flour, vegetable oils, canned goods and other refined foods.
Why is Nutrition Important?
It is the Basis of a Good Immune System
Why is Nutrition Important?
It Helps You Maintain a Healthy Weight Range
Following healthy eating plans can allow you to achieve a healthy weight range and keep your body running at optimal levels well into your senior years. Following good nutritional practices will definitely combat aging. You’ll slow down the aging process and live a longer, more active life. Don’t we all want that?
So why is nutrition important?
The root of good health begins with what you eat. Fuel your body with healthy foods and it will reward you with years of vibrant health!
Krupa Prashanth, Chief nutritionist, Vikram hospital, Bangalore