Godrej’s Food and Microbiology lab drives consumer-centric innovation
To position India as a major global player in the processed food sector and in making India the food factory of the world, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) is organizing 5th edition of Food & Bev Tech 2014, an International Exhibition and Conference August 22-24, in Mumbai concurrent to Food & Bev Summit 2014 under the chairmanship of Piruz Khambatta, Chairman & Managing Director, Rasna.
Food & Bev Tech 2014 is India’s foremost event for food processing and packaging industry, providing an opportunity to market and promote products and services to Industry leaders, decision makers, CEOs, Purchase managers, technical heads from the processed food industry and network with the end consumer to understand their needs and demand.
The exhibitor profile at Food & Bev Tech 2014 includes process and packaging technology, refrigeration and preservation technology, ingredients and raw materials, measurement and control systems, analytical and hygiene equipment and supply chain solutions, thus providing a comprehensive overview of modern food and beverage technology. Blue Star, Merck Millipore, KHS Machinery, Repute, Cipy Polyurethane, USP Packaging, Videojet Technologies, GOMA, Cole Parmer, Agilant Technologies, Minipack, Technofour Electronics, Interlabels, Testo, Exxon Mobil, Rasna, Tata Chemicals, ITC Infotech, Maiya’s, are some of the companies taking part in the exhibition.
Some of the major attractions of Food & Bev Tech 2014 include, participation of dignitaries from the Ministry of Food Processing Industries and the Maharashtra Agro Industrial Development Corporation, Chhattisgarh State Industrial Development Corporation and from countries like Botswana Investment & Trade Centre, Mauritius Investment & trade Centre, Consulate General of Israel and Consulate General of Malaysia. Besides the exhibition will have state pavilions from Madhya Pradesh and Orissa showcasing their strength in the food sector. In addition to this, the exhibition space will have Innovative Product Pavilion, within exhibition area, where exhibitors are allowed to display their new and innovative products.
Food & Bev 2014 shall provide an excellent platform for processed food and ingredients industry to present products and services to an increasing competitive market of food and beverage industry professionals, distributors, wholesalers and importers, supermarket chains, hotels, restaurants, airlines, railways, food service providers and also interact with buyers and delegates on innovations that could benefit all.