There are 10.41 crore beneficiaries comprising 8.43 crore children (in age group 6 months to 6 years) and 1.98 crore pregnant women & lactating mothers who received supplementary nutrition at 7067 operational Projects as on December 31, 2014 under Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme.
Sharing this information, the Union Minister of Women and Child Development, Maneka Sanjay Gandhi said that since inception of the ICDS scheme in 1975 there are 13.42 lakh operational Anganwadi Centres (AWCs)/ mini-AWCs in the country as on December 31, 2014. These anganwadis include 187,997 (Uttar Pradesh), 114,434 (West Bengal), 108,010 (Maharastra), 91,677 (Bihar), 71,140 (Odisha), and 64,518 (Karnataka) among others.
As per available information, there are 24.58 lakh women viz. 12.93 lakh Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) and 11.65 lakh Anganwadi Helpers (AWHs) in-position/ working in these AWCs as on December 31, 2014. The total number of AWWs includes 176,030 (Uttar Pradesh), 107,235 (West Bengal), 105,262 (Maharastra) and 91,860 (Bihar) among others. The minister said that 3.50 crore children (in age group 3-6 years) attended pre-school education at these projects and AWCs.
As per schematic norms of the ICDS Scheme, Anganwadi Workers and Helpers are honorary women workers. AWCs/ mini-AWCs provide a package of six services namely (i) supplementary nutrition, (ii) non-formal pre-school education (iii) nutrition and health education, (iv) immunization, (v) health check-up and (vi) referral services of which three later services are provided in convergence with public health systems of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.