Godrej’s Food and Microbiology lab drives consumer-centric innovation
There is enough scope for growth in the food and processing industry in supply chain infrastructure and overcoming the wastage of fruits and vegetables. The government’s policies are expected to help turn the Indian food processing industry into a global outsourcing hub.
The Indian food industry is poised for huge growth, increasing its contribution in world food trade every year. In India, the food sector has emerged as a high-profit sector on the back of the scope it offers for value addition, particularly with the food processing industry getting recognised as a high-priority area.
Accounting for about 32 % of the country’s total food market, the food processing industry is one of the largest industries in India and is ranked fifth in terms of production, consumption, export and expected growth. The total food production in India is likely to double in the next 10 years with the country’s domestic food market estimated to reach $ 258 billion by 2015, according to India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF) report.
According to an Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) by Central Statistics Office (CSO), India has about 37,175 food processing units across 33 states (for 2012-13). The survey noted that Andhra Pradesh has maximum units with 5,735, followed by Tamil Nadu with 5,161 units, Telangana – 3,716 units, Maharashtra- 3,077 units, Punjab- 2,792 units, Uttar Pradesh has 2,097 units and Karnataka has 2,038 units. While rest of the states have units less than 2000.
As per the latest ASI for 2011-12 (provisional), the total number of persons engaged in registered food processing units is 17.77 lakh. As per ASI for 2010-11, the total number of workers in food processing units employed directly, indirectly, through contract labour as well as family members was 16.62 lakh. Out of 9.03 lakh workers directly employed, 2.59 lakh and 6.44 lakh workers were female and male respectively. As per the latest National Sample Survey (NSS) Office 67th Round in 2010-11, the total number of workers in unregistered food processing sector were 47.9 lakh. Out of this, 11.9 lakh and 36.0 lakh workers were female and male respectively.
The food processing industry is one of the major employment intensive segments constituting 13.04 % of employment generated in all registered factory sector in 2012-13, there is an immense potential in food processing sector to generate employment in the country.
The performance of the sector reflected in the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) for Factory output in food processing sector, which stands at 5.7% (April-February) 2014-15 as compared to (-) 2.1% (April.-February.) 2013-14. The increase is mainly driven by growth in rice (11.8%), edible hydrogenated oil (5.6%) and milk, skimmed and pasteurised (1.4%).
The food processing sector attracts 100 % Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) through automatic route except for items reserved for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs). During (April -January) 2014-15, the sector has attracted $ 421.51 million FDI in the country. During last six months, the average inflation rate for (October -March) 2014-15 against (October-March) 2013-14 for food articles & manufactured food items have witnessed a decline from 13% to 5.1% and from 1.8% to 1.5% respectively in 2014-15 as compared to 2013-14.
Mega Food Parks
High level of wastages in perishables is a challenge but endeavour of the Government is to promote food processing industry to catalyze reduction of wastage of agricultural produce and ensuring higher returns to the farmers. With a view to promote the sector, the Government has been strengthening infrastructure by supporting creation of Cold chain and Mega Food Park under the Central Sector Scheme of Infrastructure Development. In the last few months Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) has sanctioned 17 new Mega Food Parks to attract investment in the sector.
Out of these 17 new Mega Food Parks, seven projects have been approved for state government agencies from six states and 10 projects have been approved for private promoters. Five Mega Food Parks at Haridwar (Uttarkhand), Chittoor (Andhra Pradesh), Fazilka (Punjab), Nalbari, Assam and Tumkur (Karnataka) have become operational. The other projects, which have been accorded in-principle approval, are in the process of meeting the conditions of final approval as per the scheme guidelines.
In addition to the above, the government has sanctioned setting up of 25 Mega Food Parks for creation of modern infrastructure for food processing industries in the country. Out of these, 21 Parks have been accorded final approval by the ministry and are at various stages of implementation.
The total estimated investment in these Mega Food Parks would be around Rs. 14794 crore including a Government grant of around Rs 2000 crore and promoters’ contribution of around Rs 2794 crore as equity and loan. A cluster of 30-35 food processing units are expected to come up in each Mega Food Park with an estimated investment of about Rs 250 crore. Implementation period of a Mega Food Park Project is 30 months from the date of final approval for the Projects approved upto IV Phase of implementation of the scheme and 30 Months from the date of release of 1st Instalment for the Projects approved in V Phase, unless extended by the Inter-Ministerial Approval Committee (IMAC).
The financial assistance for setting up Mega Food Parks is provided @ 50% of eligible project cost in general areas and @ 75% of eligible project cost in North East Region and difficult areas (Hilly States and Integrated Tribal Development Projects [ITDP] areas) subject to maximum of Rs 50 crore per project. The total estimated proposed project cost of these 17 projects is Rs 2333 crore out of which the Government grant is likely to be around Rs 850 crore and promoters’ contribution as equity and loan is around Rs 1483 crore.
Modification in the Scheme of Infrastructure Development for Food Processing
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, chaired by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has approved the modification in Mega Food Park Scheme guideline of infrastructure development for food processing. These modifications will streamline the implementation of the scheme and make the implementation of the Mega Food Parks smooth. The modification will bring central government agencies on par with the state government agencies by removing the restriction of a maximum 26 % on their equity holding in the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) and allowing all Government agencies to become shareholders in the SPV without any restriction on their shareholding.
These modifications are expected to trigger further investment in the food processing sector and ensure smooth implementation of the Mega Food Parks scheme particularly, projects at initial phases of the scheme’s implementation.
The scheme will be implemented in a market driven manner commensurate with both global and national demands. Innovative supply chain management will be the key to implementation of this scheme. The project proposals for focusing on the processing and preservation of perishable food products will be given weightage in selection.
The Infrastructure Development Scheme for Mega Food Parks aims at providing modern infrastructure facilities for food processing industries along the value chain from farm to market. As per the scheme, ownership and management of the Mega Food Park vests with a SPV in which organized retailers, processors, service providers etc. may be the equity holders or there may be an anchor investor along with its ancillaries, associated companies and other stakeholders. The farmer organisations are encouraged to participate in the SPV. The anchor investor in the SPV holding majority (at least 51 %), stake with or without other promoters of the SPV, will be required to set up at least one food processing unit in the park with an investment of not less than Rs. 10 crore. However, state government / state government entities and co-operatives applying for projects under the scheme are not required to form a separate SPV and set up processing unit(s) in the Park. In case, the central government agencies become shareholders in the SPV, their equity has been restricted to a maximum 26 %.
AYUSH Industry Clusters and Food Clusters
In addition to the Mega Food Parks, the government has sanctioned 10 AYUSH Industry Clusters during the 11th Plan Period (2007-12). Out of these, three clusters, one each at Kerala, Punjab and Rajasthan have been completed during last three years. The government proposes to set up more number of AYUSH Clusters in the country for this purpose Development of AYUSH Cluster Scheme has been approved for continuation in the 12th Plan period (2012-17).
The responsibilities of procurement of raw material lie with the SPV. Under the Scheme for Development of AYUSH Clusters, the financial assistance is restricted to 60% of the project cost subject to a maximum of Rs 15 crore. The remaining 40% is required to be arranged by the SPV through equity, borrowings from banks / financial institutions and other sources. The assistance from the ministry of AYUSH will be utilized only for physical infrastructure, civil works, construction of building, plants and machinery and equipments, all remaining expenses on purchase of land of SPV salary of cluster development executive, etc. will be borne by SPV.
Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) has set up common facility centres in six states for different products/items in clusters under Micro & Small Enterprises – Cluster Development Programme (MSE-CDP) of MSME.
AYUSH Industry Clusters sanctioned State / Union Territories wise
Sr. No | Name of the SPV/Cluster | Purpose of the Grant | Grant-in-aid Sanctined by the Government | Released Amount | (Rs in lakhs) Utilized | Remarks |
1 | Lepakshi Ayush Park Private Limited, 5-72 PVC Colony, Bellary Road, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh 515 004 | Establishement of Common Facilities Center to SPV members | 1000 | 200 | 0 | Recovery is in process through Court |
2 | Ayurpark Health Care Limited, 168, Chelakere Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore – 560 043 | Establishement of Common Facilities Center to SPV members | 1000 | 892 | 892 | Expected date of Completion 2015-16Expected date of Completion 2015-16 |
3 | CARE Keralam, Kinfra Small Industries Park, Nalukettu Road, Kinfra Park P.O., Thrissur – 680 309 | Establishement of Common Facilities Center to SPV members | 1000 | 968.8 | 968.8 | Functional since 2013-14 |
4 | Maharashtra Ayurved Center Pvt. Ltd., Aradhana, 55, Amchi Colony, Pashan – NDA Road, Bawdhan khurd, Pune-411021 | Establishement of Common Facilities Center to SPV members | 949 | 600 | 600 | Expected date of Completion 2015-16 |
5 | Konkan Ayur Pharma Pvt. Ltd.Gat No. 144, A/p.: Dhamani, Tal.: Sangameshwar, Dist. : Ratnagiri 415611 | Establishement of Common Facilities Center to SPV members | 888 | 798 | 690 | Expected date of Completion 2015-16 |
6 | Rushikulya Ayurvedic Cluster pvt Ltd, Ajodhya Nagar, 2nd lane, Berhampur, Ganjam, Orissa, India | Establishement of Common Facilities Center to SPV members | 599 | 120 | 0 | Progress being slow Demand notice issed |
7 | Herbal Health Research Consortium Pvt. Ltd. 277, East Mohan Nagar, Amritsar – 143006. | Establishement of Common Facilities Center to SPV members | 1000 | 985 | 985 | Functional since 2012-13 |
8 | M/s Ayushraj Enterprises Pvt. Ltd; Jaipur, 35, Sushilpura South, Ajmer Road Bridge, Shyam Nagar 2nd Lane, Sodala, Ajmer Road, Jaipur- 302019 | Establishement of Common Facilities Center to SPV members | 970 | 872 | 872 | Functional since 2013-14 |
9 | Traditional Ayurveda Cluster of Tamilnadu, 48, Grand West Trunk Road, Kancheepuram Dist., Sriperumbudur – 602 105 | Establishement of Common Facilities Center to SPV members | 965 | 499 | 120 | Expected date of Completion 2016-17 |
10 | Sanskar Ayush Medicare Pvt Ltd; Uttrakhand | Establishement of Common Facilities Center to SPV members | 100 | 200 | 152.65 | Expected date of Completion 2015-16 |
Total | 9371 | 6134.8 | 5260.45 |
Source: Ministry of AYUSH
Cluster Development Programme for Pharma
Along with AYUSH Industry Clusters from Ministry of AYUSH, the Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers has come up with Cluster Development Programme for Pharma Sector. The programme will provide support to the pharmaceutical industry in becoming more capable, productive and competitive. By the end of this financial year, six Pharma Clusters are likely to come up of which three will be greenfields. These clusters will ensure adequate testing, training and affluent treatment facilities for pharmaceuticals industry. The government will also come up with the Bulk Drugs Parks and the Medical Devices Parks.
The Clusters Development Programme for Pharma sector would be implemented on a Public Private Partnership (PPP) format through one time grant-in-aid to be released for creation of identified infrastructure and common facilities. The scheme is for setting up of new clusters as well as up-gradation of existing clusters. Rs 125 crore have been earmarked for the Central Sector Scheme for the 12th Five Year Plan.
The Pharmaceutical industry is growing @ 14 to 15% per annum and is likely to touch the figure of 4 lakh crore by 2020. The sector needs due attention so that the quality can be improved and cost brought down. Some clusters do exist already but not on scientific basis and this programme is meant to develop clusters in a scientific manner.
Increase the competitiveness, easy access to standard testing facilities and value addition in the domestic pharma industry especially to SMEs through creation of common world class facilities; Strengthening the existing infrastructure facilities in order to make Indian Pharma industry a global leader in pharma exports; Reducing the cost of production by up to 20% in the clusters leading to better availability and affordability medicines in domestic market; To help industry meet the requirements of standards environment at a reduced cost through innovative methods of common waste management; Exploit the benefits arising due to optimization of resources and economies of scale, are the some of the benefits the companies can expect from this programme.
Food Testing Laboratories
The MoFPI is providing grant-in-aid for setting up/upgradation of Food Testing Laboratories (FTL) with a view to ensure compliance of domestic/international standards on food products. Central/state government and its organizations/universities (including deemed universities) are eligible for the entire cost of laboratory equipment required for labs and 25% of the cost of technical civil works to house the equipment, furniture and the fixtures associated with the equipment for general areas and 33% for difficult areas (J&K, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, North-Eastern States, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, ITDP area).
All other implementing agencies/private sector organizations are eligible for grant-in-aid of 50% of cost of laboratory equipment and 25% of the cost of technical civil works to house the equipment, furniture and fixtures associated with the equipment for general areas and 70% of cost of lab equipment and 33% of technical civil works for difficult areas. The laboratories are encouraged to obtain National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) accreditation under this scheme. The scheme is implemented based on the proposals received for setting up/up-gradation of FTL and also the availability of the funds.
NABL grants accreditation for the competence of the laboratory as per international standard ISO/IEC 17025. The laboratories which are accredited by NABL are having the quality system in place and are competent to carry out the food test under their scope of accreditation. Non-accredited FTL may or may not be fully equipped to meet the requirements of food testing.
Cold Chain Infrastructure
India is one of the largest producer of milk, fruits and vegetables, marine products, meat and poultry. India is the third largest food producer in the world yet barely 2.2% of fruits and vegetables are processed. While India is the second largest producer of fruits and vegetables in the world, the country’s integrated cold chain industry is nascent and is witnessing a wide demand and supply gap. There is an urgent need to create adequate cold chain capacity in the country for preventing wastage. Cold storages at production zones are archaic in nature. The lack of cool rooms and refrigerated transport is causing more than 40% losses in annual produce.
India’s integrated cold chain industry, a combination of surface storage and refrigerated transport – has been growing at a rate of 18% for the last three years. The industry, currently valued at Rs 245 billion (FY 2013), is expected to reach Rs 520 billion by 2017, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20%.
India has around 5,400 cold storage units, but can only store less than 11% of the country’s total products. While 105million metric ton of perishable products is transported across India annually, only 4 million metric ton is transported via reefers. To address the gap in demand and supply, the Indian government has introduced multiple initiatives, modernization of existing facilities, new ventures via private and government partnerships and many.
The private sector accounts for 90% of cold storages in India. Cold chain service providers across the globe and in India have been researching new technologies that will not only decrease their operational costs, but will also give them a competitive advantage over their peers in the industry. One of the focus areas is currently to make reefer trucks more energy efficient to withstand the variations in the ambient temperatures at drop-off points.
To address the challenges of insufficient infrastructure leading to huge wastage, undue advantage to middlemen at the cost of farmers remuneration, the government’s focus is on compressing supply chains and to make them consistent, quicker and efficient for supply of farm produce for food processing. The government also focuses on creating a Cold Chain Infrastructure to link the farmer to the consumer seamlessly and creating a Cold Chain Grid in the entire country. The MoFPI has identified creation of modern infrastructure for food processing as a focus area and encouraging private investment.
Sanctioning of 30 Cold Chain projects will attract huge investment in the creation of infrastructure in food processing sector. Total expected grant-in-aid to be released to these 30 project sis Rs 274.9 crore which would attract an investment of Rs 470 crore. Total cold chain infrastructure capacity to be created by these is (a) 1.12 lakh MT of cold storage/ controlled atmosphere (CA)/Modified Atmosphere (MA) storage (b) 11.10 lakh litres per day of milk processing (c) 28.5 MT/hour of individual quick freezing (IQF) (d) 1434 MT/day of ripening chamber and (e) 209 reefer vehicles.
The government has taken up a scheme of Cold Chain, Value Addition and Preservation Infrastructure which provides financial assistance up to Rs 10 crore for entrepreneurs. A total of 138 integrated cold chain projects were approved by the government, out of which 108 projects are under the implementation by the ministry. Of these, 52 projects have already achieved completion and commenced commercial operation. The capacity created by these 52 projects is 2.16 lakh MT of cold storage/CA/Deep Freezer, 80.3 lakh litres per day of milk processing, 38.5 MT/hour of individual quick freeze and 271 of reefer transport. It is expected that operationalization of 108 projects would create capacity of (a) 3.64 lakh MT of cold storage, CA)/MA storage, deep freezer (b) 90 MT per hour of IQF (c) 106.95 lakh litres per day of milk processing and storage and (d) 601 number of reefer carriers.
Central Sector Scheme of Cold Chain, Value Addition & Preservation Infrastructure is being implemented by the MoFPI which aims at providing integrated and complete cold chain and preservation facilities without any break from the farm gate to the consumer. The admissible grant for cold chain project is in the form of grant-in-aid @ 50% the total cost of plant, machinery and technical civil works in general areas and 75% for difficult areas (North-East States including Sikkim and J&K, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand) subject to a maximum of Rs 10 crore.
Scheme of Cold Chain, Value Addition & Preservation Infrastructure (for Non-Horticultural Products) as a component of the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of National Mission on Food Processing (NMFP) is also being implemented by the state/union territories (UT) governments since April 1, 2012.
Department of Agriculture & Cooperation is implementing Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) for development of horticulture in the country which includes assistance for creation of post-harvest infrastructure including establishment of cold storage, processing units, pack houses, pre-cooling units, controlled atmosphere storage, reefer vans and setting up of ripening chambers. Under Post harvest component credit linked back ended subsidy @ 35% of the project cost in general areas and 50% in case of hilly and schedule areas is available.
Under the Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure (AMI) sub scheme of the integrated Scheme for Agricultural Marketing being implemented by Department of Agriculture and Co-operation, subsidy is available for construction of cold storages when created as part of Integrated Value Chain (IVS) Projects @ 33.33% in case of North-Eastern States, Sikkim, UTs of Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep Islands, hilly areas, Registered FPOs, Panchayats, Women, SC/ST entrepreneurs and their cooperatives and self-help groups. Subsidy is @ 25 % for all other categories of beneficiaries.
Under its 12th Plan Scheme, APEDA provides 90 % grant-in-aid to state government agencies for setting up of cold storage facilities for common use for exports. Assistance to private exporters is also provided up to 40% as subsidy with a ceiling of Rs 7.5 lakh to Rs 75.00 lakh for different components of cold chain.
Department of Economic Affairs (DEA) also has scheme for Support of Public Private Partnerships in Infrastructure which is available for capital investment in the creation of modern storage capacity including cold chains and post-harvest storage.
Government has established the National Centre for Cold-chain Development (NCCD), which provides technical guidance, conducts knowledge dissemination activities and addresses industry concerns on development matters.
The government has also set up a fund of Rs. 2000 crores under NABARD for extending affordable credit to entrepreneurs for designated food parks and for setting up of food processing units in the designated food parks. The Reserve Bank of India has classified loan to food and agro-based processing units and cold chain under Agriculture activities for Priority Sector Lending (PSL) subject to aggregate sanctioned limit of Rs. 100 crore per borrower. It will ensure greater flow of credit to entrepreneurs for setting up of food processing units and attract investment in the sector.
Skill Development
Currently the MoFPI has two institutes engaged in research and development activities in the food processing sector: namely National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM) at Kundli, Sonepat, Haryana and Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology (IICPT) at Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu. These institutions provide academic programmes at Bachelors, Masters and Ph.D. level, undertake research in various aspects of food processing and also conduct short-term training programmes for stakeholders. Both the institutes are mandated to undertake research in various aspects of food processing.
In addition, various institutes under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) under Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE), Ministry of Agriculture are undertaking research in food technology. Institutions like Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI), Mysore, Karnataka under Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), under Ministry of Science & Technology; Defence Food Research Laboratory (DFRL), Mysore, Karnataka under Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), Ministry of Defence, and various state universities and their affiliated colleges are also carrying out research in different sectors of food processing/ technology.
As per a study conducted by the National Skill Development Corporation on “Human Resource and Skill requirements in Food Processing Sector”, the annual human resource requirement in Food Processing Industries is estimated at about 5.3 lakh persons including about 1 lakh persons in the organized sector.
To overcome the shortage of skilled workforce, the MoFPI is working closely with the industry through Food Industry Capacity and Skill Initiative (FICSI) under Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) on skill development. FICSI has selected Ernst & Young to develop National Occupational Standards (NOS) for the food processing industry.
The MoFPI is also implementing a scheme for Human Resource Development (HRD) in the Food Processing Sector. The HRD Scheme focuses on developing technologists, managers, entrepreneurs and manpower for quality management in food processing. Under the scheme, assistance is provided for creation of infrastructure facilities in academic institutions for degree/ diploma courses in food technology and for setting up of Food Processing Training Centre (FPTC). During the 12th Five Year Plan, the HRD Scheme has been subsumed under the National Mission on Food Processing (NMFP), for implementation through state/ UT governments.
The food processing industry is one of the largest industries in India and ranks fifth in terms of production, consumption and exports. With an estimated value of $ 181 billion in FY13, the food processing sector is further estimated to expand at a CAGR of 10 % by 2015. The industry contributed 9.8 % to India’s gross domestic product (GDP) manufacturing in 2013. During FY11–14, India’s exports of processed food and related products (inclusive of animal products) increased at a CAGR of 34.6 % to $ 22.4 billion. Main export destinations for food products have been the Middle East and Southeast Asia.
The government is focusing on boosting the food processing industry so that agriculture sector grows exponentially. The MoFPI is working with the industry for imparting industry relevant skill training including development of course content in identified sectors of food processing. The MoFPI has launched investor-friendly Investor’s Portal providing all required information for the investors.
These steps of the government will create modern infrastructure for arresting post-harvest losses of horti and non-horti produces and provide impetus to the growth of this sector. The timely completion of these Integrated Cold Chain and Mega Food Park projects will not only provide a big boost to the growth of food processing infrastructure in the concerned states but also help in providing better price to famers, reduce wastage of perishables, add value to the agricultural produce and create huge employment opportunities especially in rural areas. These will lead to the stabilization of food products prices and contain inflation in the country.
Common facility centres set up by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in 6 States for different products/items in Clusters under Micro & Small Enterprises – Cluster Development Programme (MSE-CDP)
Sr. No | State | Status | Name of the Cluster and location | Implementing Agency |
1 | Goa | Completed | Cashew Cluster, Goa | Goa Khadi and Village Industry Board, Goa |
2 | Karnataka | Completed | Food Processing Cluster, Gulbarga | Karnataka Council for Technology Up-gradation (KCTU), Bangalore. |
3 | Kerala | Completed | Rice Mill Cluster, Kalady, Ernakulam | Kerala Bureau of Industrial Promotion (KBIP), Thiruvananthapuram |
4 | Maharashtra | Completed | Raisin Making Cluster, Sangli | MIDC, Govt. of Maharashtra |
5 | Odisha | Completed | Rice Mill Cluster at Bargarh, Sambalpur | OSIDC Ltd., Govt. of Orissa |
6 | Tamil Nadu | Completed | Starch and Sago Cluster at Salem and Namakkal | Sago and Serve, Salem |
Funds allocated for various Plan Schemes of MoFPI during 12th Five Year Plan (2012-17) (Rs. in crore)
Sl No. | Name of the cheme | Allocation for 12th Plan |
1 | Development of Infrastructure for Food Processing |
a. Mega Food Parks | 1714 | |
b. Integrated Cold Chain, Value addition & Preservation Infrastructure |
786 | |
c. Modernization of Abattoir | 300 | |
2 | Technology upgradation/ Establishment/ Modernization of Food Processing Industries (Spillover liabilities) |
750 |
3 | Quality Assurance, Codex standards, Research & other development and other promotional activitird |
290 |
4 | Strengthening of Institutions (including Innovation Fund Scheme and Venture Capital Fund |
300 |
5 | National Mission on Food Processing | 1850 |
Total | 5990 |
List of FSSAI Notified NABL Accredited Food Testing Laboratories
Sr. No. | Food Testing Laboratories |
1 | Arbro Pharmaceuticals Limited, Delhi |
2 | Avon Food Lab Private Limited, Delhi |
3 | Bharat Test House, Delhi |
4 | Delhi Test House Delhi |
5 | ITL Labs Private Ltd |
6 | Shriram Institute for Industrial Research Delhi |
7 | Spectro Analytical Lab Limited |
8 | Standard Analytical Labs Ltd Delhi |
9 | Choksi Laboratories Ltd Panchkula |
10 | Fare Labs Private Ltd, Gurgaon |
11 | Intertek India Pvt Ltd (Food Services) |
12 | Saturn Qualilty Certifications Pvt ltd, Bahadurgarh |
13 | SGS India Pvt Ltd, Gurgaon |
14 | Bali Test House Ltd, Ludhiana |
15 | Amol Pharmaceutical Pvt ltd |
16 | CEG Test House and Research Center Pvt Ltd, Jaipur |
17 | Precision Quality Services Ltd, Jaipur |
18 | Devansh Testing and Research Laboratory Ltd |
19 | Advance Research and Analytics Services |
20 | AES Laboratories Pvt Ltd, Noida |
21 | Eko Pro Engineers Pvt Ltd, Ghaziabad |
22 | Analytical and Environmental Services, Vadodara |
23 | SGS India Pvt Ltd, Gandhidham |
24 | Cali-Labs pvt ltd, Bhopal |
25 | SGS India Pvt Ltd, Indore |
26 | Anacon Laboratory Pvt Ltd, Nagpur |
27 | Ashwamedh Engineers and Consultants Pvt Ltd, Mumbai |
28 | Doctor’s Analytical Laboratories Pvt Ltd, Mumbai |
29 | Envirocare Labs Private Limited, Mumbai |
30 | Export Inspection Agency, Mumbai |
31 | Geo-Chem Laboratories Ltd, Mumbai |
32 | Maarc Labs Private Ltd, Pune |
33 | Micro Chem Silliker Private Limited, Mumbai |
34 | Microtech Laboratory, Pune |
35 | Precise Analytics Lab, Mumbai |
36 | Qualichem Laboratories, Nagpur |
37 | RCA Laboratories, Mumbai |
38 | Reliable Analytical Laboratories Private Limited, Thane |
39 | Testtex India Laboratories Private Limited, Mumbai |
40 | TUV SUD South Asia Private Limited, Mumbai |
41 | Bangalore Test House, Bengaluru |
42 | Eurofins Analytical Services India Private Limited, Bengaluru |
43 | Institute for Analysis of Pharma, Dairy, Food and Cultures (IADFAC), Bengaluru |
44 | Shiva Analyticals (India) Private Limited, Bengaluru |
45 | Shriram Institute for Industrial Research, Bengaluru |
46 | TUV SUD South Asia Private Limited, Bengaluru |
47 | Interfield Laboratories, Kochi |
48 | SEA Lab, Aroor |
49 | SGS India Private Limited, Kochi |
50 | Aqua Designs India Private Limited Laboratory Services, Chennai |
51 | Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services India Private Limited, Chennai |
52 | Export Inspection Agency, Chennai |
53 | Nawal Analytical Laboratories, Hosur |
54 | SGS India Private Limited, Multi Laboratory, Chennai |
55 | SMS Labs Services Private Limited, Chennai |
56 | TA Labs Private Limited, Chennai |
57 | Bhagavathi Ana Labs Limited, Hyderabad |
58 | First Source Laboratory Solutions LLP Analytical Services, Hyderabad |
59 | QPS Bioserve India Private Limited, Hyderabad |
60 | Testing Services-CommGrade, National Collateral Management Services Limited, Hyderabad |
61 | Vimta Labs Limited, Hyderabad |
62 | Edward Food Research and Analysis Centre Limited, Kolkata |
63 | Export Inspection Agency Laboratory, Kolkata |
64 | Mitra S.K. Private Limited, Kolkata |
65 | Oil Laboratory, Department of Chemical Technology, Kolkata |
66 | SGS India Private Limited, Kolkata |