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Understanding more about the relationships between men and the plants, the production of herbal and plant-based remedies may be therapeutic. Holistic approach of Ayurvedic system in India make use of medicinal plants, herbs, and foods for prevention and cure of diseases. The root causes of many diseases involve abnormal functioning of the body at multiple levels, targeting these with various types of ingredients is only logical. The mechanism of the action of several components of fruits and vegetables have been revealed through several studies, and new aspects are still being discovered. Arjuna natural extracts have been doing extensive research on amla that has been in use for many herbal preparations in ancient traditional medicine and the efficacy of a specific poly herbal formulation being used for gut health that was prevalent in ancient India. We have caught up the ancient wisdom with modern knowledge.
Traditional Use of Amla
Amla is the most important medicinal plant in Ayurveda, the Indian traditional system of medicine. Its fruits possess multiple benefits and are of immense use in folk medicine. Emblica officinalis is a deciduous tree prevalent in some parts of Asia. All parts of the tree, especially the fruit, are commonly used in traditional medicine for various ailments including diarrhea, jaundice, headaches, inflammation, and as a tonic. It is also one of the constituents of a popular Ayurvedic formulation Triphala.
The process of atherosclerosis
Dietary saturated fatty acids and blood cholesterol are the major risk factors of cardiovascular disease. The identification of cholesterol as a major contributing factor led to dietary intervention trials targeted at reducing blood cholesterol, but recently many studies shows that oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL), rather than cholesterol per se, is the atherogenic component. LDL, a carrier of cholesterol fraction contains a high proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA).These PUFA are susceptible to free radical-mediated peroxidation, and there is increasing evidence that this oxidized LDL is important in the pathogenesis of the atherosclerotic lesion.
Vitamin C or other phytochemicals.
The effect of the extract of amla was studied on myocardial necrosis. It is reported that the extract increased the cardiac glycogen level significantly with marked changes in serum free fatty acids levels. Another report says when 15 g of fresh amla was taken daily for four weeks, it reduced cholesterol by 21 per cent. Carefully conducted scientific studies confirms that this effect of amla is due to a group of compounds present in the extract and not vitamin C alone. Sterols show structural similarities to cholesterol and inhibit absorption of cholesterol from the gut, reducing the circulating levels of both total and LDL cholesterol. Another study confirms the strong antioxidant and atherosclerotic foam cell prevention potential of Emblica seeds. The profile and quantum of phenolic compounds from fruit, pulp and seeds support the medicinal properties of the different parts of amla fruit, especially that of seeds.
Potential sites where plant-based bioactive compounds might act
Scientific studies have proved beyond doubt that specific substances present in plant foods can control or modify pathways relevant to the development of cardio vascular disease. These might include the following:
• Modification of lipid profile
• Decrease of serum cholesterol
• Reduction in lipid oxidation/antioxidant effect
• Metal chelation
What Amla Extract does
Amla extract branded as Trilow, the full spectrum of bioactive ingredients of wild crafted Indian gooseberry is capable of inhibiting the oxidation of LDL are therefore likely to interfere in this process. A clinical study conducted with Trilow marketed by Curegarden proves that it favorably alters the lipid profile indicated by a reduction in the atherogenic index of plasma (AIP) a major and reliable predictor of cardio vascular disease. Several potent antioxidants, sterols and caffeic acid controls cholesterol levels, prevents oxidation, and lower LDL-C, VLDL-C, TC and TG without affecting CoEnzymeQ10 otherwise known as ubiquinone. There is no single reason and a simple solution for CHD. Trilow is a diet supplement that protects heart naturally by regulating all the factors contributing to it. Statin drugs currently in use reduces ubiquinone levels the presence of which in LDL is required for the prevention of oxidation of LDL to the atherogenic form.
There’s no doubt that lowering the amount of LDL cholesterol sliding through your bloodstream can reduce your odds of having a heart attack. Data from dozens of studies indicate that the chance of being stricken with a heart attack drops 20 percent to 30 percent with effective LDL lowering. That alone will not be sufficient. All the parameters described above are equally important for a healthy heart.
A dosage of Trilow as low as500mg twice a day showed a significant anti-atherosclerotic action through reduction in serum and hepatic cholesterol content, serum triglyceride, LDL-cholesterol in an unpublished clinical study.
Poly Herbal Formulation for Gut Health
With its stable temperature, high moisture content and abundant nutrients, the interior of the alimentary tract provides an ideal environment for colonization by micro-organisms. When the microbes that populate our digestive system are out of balance, we feel the effects such as leaky gut syndrome, which often underlie digestive illness and many seemingly unrelated health problems.
The formulation is extremely effective for constipation and controlling leaky gut syndrome. The unique formulation of Herbagut from Cure Garden with the extract of poly herbs has some of the individual herbs traditionally used for constipation, and related ill-health.
The active phytochemical constituents of individual herbs are insufficient to achieve the desired therapeutic effects. When combining the multiple herbs in a particular ratio, it will give a better therapeutic effect. Certain pharmacological actions of active constituents of herbals are significant only when potentiated by that of other plants, but not evident when used alone. Scientific studies at the R&D of Arjuna have revealed that these plants of varying potency when combined produce a greater result, as compared to individual use of the plant.
Herbagut a scientifically proved formulation delivers many benefits at a dosage level of 800-1000mg a day in the night through the synergistic effect of polyherbs attested by its widespread use in Europe is in the Indian market now.