ICFA Board sets strategic direction for agri-food development
Shri Suresh Prabhu, Minister of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India will grace an event being organised by NuFFooDS Spectrum highlighting Industry Leaders’ interaction with Regulators on ‘Nutraceuticals: Regulating for Growth’, in New Delhi on Thursday, October 5, 2017. This event is being conducted through an initiative of NuFFooDS Spectrum, called Spectrum Dialogue, to explore or deliberate new paradigms in this direction.
HealthKart, Du Pont Nutrition & Health, Envirocare Lab, KPMG, Health Foods and Dietary Supplements Association (HADSA) will be some of the key participants.
The program will see participation from regulators, entrepreneurs, top and middle level decision makers from R&D and marketing in the industry and laboratories. The conference will start with an inaugural ceremony followed by interactive sessions on Nutra self- regulations, regulations & strategies for market entry, and positioning claims.
Nutraceutical industry in India started showing positive results following the notification of nutraceuticals standards by FSSAI in 2016. Till then, the industry was striving hard due to lack of regulations which are required to process the development of this sector. At present, the industry might be having certain issues, suggestions and points of view for further growth of the industry, and this needs to be discussed.
For registration, please check the event website- http://www.nuffoodsspectrum.in/regulateforgrowth/