Aavin plans moving to Singapore


The Tamil Nadu Cooperative Milk Producers Federation, Aavin, plans to sell (ultra-heat treated) UHT milk with a shelf life of 180 days in 15 countries, with the launch taking place in Singapore this weekend.


The product will be launched by the State Milk Dairy Development Minister K.T. Rajenthra Bhalaji in the presence of officials including Secretary, Dairy Development, K. Gopal and Federation Chairman A. Miller. 


A special pack has been designed for the foreign market. The milk has been certified as fit for consumption in Singapore by an authorised agency. They have a set of quality standards which the milk conforms to.


Aavin has also fixed it with an export agent to ship the milk to Singapore. Initially, they plan to sell 50,000 litres a month there.


There will be a re-think on the price after officials discuss with retailers, who run supermarkets and also after studying prices of milk from other countries.

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