FSDA to monitor adulteration in cakes and sweets


The Food Safety and Drugs Administration (FSDA) is on a strict mission to make sure that the city residents do not consume adulterated Christmas treats, sweets, cakes and other food items made for the festival.


A five-member team will be conducting surprise inspections at shops in both rural and urban areas to check adulteration and the sale of stale items in the market.


The anti-adulteration drive is set to continue for two weeks until Christmas. A five-member team of the food department will conduct regular checks by sending suspicious food items to the Lucknow laboratory for testing.


Action will be taken only after the results arrive from the laboratory. If the team finds any food item which prima facie looks sub-standard or unsafe, actions will be taken accordingly.


The FSDA officials will keep a close eye on milk, milk-made products, cakes, Christmas treats, other sweets and items used for baking, which are the main food items that are found adulterated during this time of the year.

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