Godrej’s Food and Microbiology lab drives consumer-centric innovation
With the conclusion of the three day food processing training which was held as part of the objective of CSIR-Central Food Technology Research Institute (CSIR-CFTRI) Mysore to develop food processing in the North East region, Commerce and Industry Minister, Th Biswajit Singh recently inaugurated a food processing centre, under the name Kanglei foods at Oinam Awang Leikai, Manipur.
The inauguration of the food processing unit was organized by Oinam Awang Leikai Women’s Development Association in association with CSIR – Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore and Dept of Commerce and Industries, Government of Manipur.
Oinam Awang Leikai Development Association, which will run the food processing unit, was formed as a self-help group (SHG) in 2008 and has a strength of 100 members. Varieties of pickles, juice, fermented fish, fermented soyabean, chilli powder will be produced at the centre.
The current activity of the SHG is to procure raw fruits and vegetables, cereals, meat, fish etc. and then processing into value added products in a tiny scale by adopting locally available technologies with the available infrastructure.