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Several health researchers and nutritionists have suggested that the food items you consume react chemically with your blood, and work differently to satisfy your nutritional needs basis your blood type. Lectins, which are abundant and diverse proteins found in foods, have agglutinating properties that affect your blood and the lining of your digestive tract. This is why you must have noticed that while some people tend to lose weight more easily, for others, losing weight remains an ongoing battle.
In fact, your blood type also has a significant effect on the way different exercise regimens may be good or bad for you, than for others with a different blood group. Several types of research have been undertaken to also highlight how your blood group plays a crucial role in determining how your body reacts to stress and certain physical ailments such as pancreatic cancer, heart diseases or stomach ulcers. For instance, people who have blood type A, have higher risks of microbial infections, while type A women experience a higher rate of fertility.
This is why it becomes imperative that you are conscious of the particularities of your blood type, and follow a diet that is in resonance with the specific advantages and disadvantages of it, to ensure maximum benefits for your body. By following a diet designed especially for your blood type, you will observe that you’ll be able to lose or gain weight easily, have more energy, and be less susceptible to common diseases.
Below is a compilation of suggested foods you should eat, for different blood groups.
Type O
People who have blood type O or other variants of it, should as a general rule, consume a high protein diet. Their diet should be heavy on lean meat, poultry, fish, fruits and vegetables, and they should especially avoid or consume negligible amounts of grains, beans, and dairy.
People who have type O blood group, fare best on an intense physical exercise like aerobics, contact sports, running or martial arts. The leading reason for weight gain among this type is the gluten found in wheat products, and to a lesser extent, corn, kidney beans, lentils, and cabbage.
Food you should eat: Kelp, seafood, salt, red meat, kale, spinach, broccoli, fish, vegetables, fruits.
Food you should avoid: Wheat, corn, kidney beans, navy beans, lentils, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, mustard greens beans.
Type A
People who have blood type A, or other variants of it, should as a general rule, consume a meat-free diet, which is heavily based on fruits and vegetables, legumes, beans, soy foods, and whole grains. This is essential because bodies of people with blood type A are more naturally suited to a vegetarian diet and foods that are fresh, pure, and organic.
Since people with type A are predisposed to heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, it is all the more important for them to take proper care of their immune system. For a healthy well-being, people of this particular blood type should do more gentle exercise, such as tai chi or some less rigorous postures in yoga.
Food you should eat: Vegetables, tofu, seafood, grains, beans, legumes, vegetable oil, soy foods, pineapple.
Food you should avoid: Meat, dairy, kidney beans, lima beans, wheat.
Type B
The diet plan of people with blood type B should be largely based on green vegetables, eggs, certain meats, and low-fat dairy. People with this blood type should especially avoid food items such as corn, wheat, lentils, beans, tomatoes, and peanuts.
People with type B blood type, have the most robust immune system and a very tolerant digestive system, this is why they tend to resist many of the severe chronic degenerative illnesses, or at least survive them better than people with other blood groups.
Food you should eat: Meat (except chicken), dairy, grains, beans, legumes, fruit, greens, eggs, venison, tea.
Food you should avoid: Corn, lentil, peanuts, sesame, wheat, seeds, buckwheat.
Type AB
People who have blood type AB, or other variants of it, should as a general rule, mostly focus on tofu, seafood, dairy and green vegetables. It is advisable for them to especially avoid caffeine, alcohol, and cured meats. But they should limit intake of chicken, beef, and pork.
The amalgam of type A and B, this blood group is the most recent, in terms of evolution, and hence biologically the most complex. People of blood type AB should do calming exercises like meditation. They can, in fact, experiment with a combination of exercises recommended for blood types A and B.
Food you should eat: Meat, dairy, beans, legumes, grains, vegetables, tofu, seafood, kelp, pineapple.
Food you should avoid: Red meat, kidney beans, and lima beans, seeds, corn, buckwheat.
– Indian Health Organisation (IHO)