IIT-M team develops method to detect coconut oil contamination


A group of researchers at the Indian Insitute of Technology (IIT), Madras has developed a novel technique to detect various hydrocarbons, importantly, paraffin oil contamination in coconut oil samples.


Detecting ions using paper spray ionisation mass spectrometry is known already. In this new method, a regular filter paper containing the sample is subjected to high electrical potential and the charged droplets and the ions derived from them are analysed using a mass spectrometry. But this method cannot be used for detecting hydrocarbons.


According to the researchers, this discovery throws open new possibilities for detecting food adulteration, water quality and environmental contamination. The detection limit of the analytes is in the range of nanogram quantities.


The paper strips containing the samples can be shipped to the place of analysis from remote locations. By varying the composition of the paper and structure of the fibres, it may be possible to store the paper strip containing the sample for future analysis.

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