Godrej’s Food and Microbiology lab drives consumer-centric innovation
Merck Life Science is working towards ensuring that the water we drink is safe enough for consumption and constantly.
With the innovative technology Merck provides the various chemistry of the parameters along with the Instrument which is easy to handle giving accurate and consistent results.
Merck also has a history of working on various projects in collaboration with UNICEF, ZSI, PCB’s and Public Health Engineering to name a few whose first and foremost concern is to provide safe and potable drinking water to the mass.
Merck always strive to innovate things that would connect to people in many ways. One such innovation is the new age technological wonder- The PROVE Spectrophotometer!!
The Spectroquant® spectrophotometers offer easy analysis of drinking, waste and process water with over 200 pre-programmed Spectroquant® test kits.
A technological wonder with all the methods of water parameters incorporated which is very easy, safe, accurate and reliable to check and generate results.