Meant for creating a positive environment to live in; intended for limiting increasing number of patients and chronic diseases among people across the country and world.
Shaleen Pharmaceuticals has been synonymous with best Ayurveda medicines and has been very well known for developing and launching PRO ACTIVE wellness products for the diseases. They work on the principles of first aim of Ayurveda i.e. ’Swasthasya swasthya rakshnam’ which means- to take care of the health of a healthy person and second aim of Ayurveda i.e. ’Aaturasya vikaar prashamnam’ which means- to take care of ailments.
Shaleen Pharmaceutical has been regularly working to help create a positive environment around. It has been successful in establishing itself as a trusted brand for creating products for every chronic ailment. With all expertise and years of working on the proactive modes of saving people from chronic ailments, Shaleen Pharmaceuticals has launched its first revolutionary product ’Pious Elements Pack’ which is first product of-its-kind in the history of Ayurveda. It has been targeted to save people from being sick and healing the chronically sick people.
Pious Elements:
It is not only a product derived from perfect blend of five Vedic sciences – ASTROLOGY, VASTU, AROMATHERPAY, HARMONISING OF CHAKRA AND, AURA, but every science taken into consideration with Ayurveda