Swasth Bharat Yatra concludes in Delhi


The Yatra began from six different locations – Leh, Panaji, Thiruvananthapuram, Puducherry, Kolkota and Agartala

Swasth Bharat Yatra, the world’s biggest cyclothon to nudge people to ‘Eat Right’ is culminating in a grand finale in New Delhi after more than 100 days since its flag-off on 16th October 2018, World Food Day. The Concluding Ceremony is being held at Central Park, Rajiv Chowk on 29th January 2019 with Ashwini Choubey, Minister of State, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare as Chief Guest and many other dignitaries.

The Yatra began from six different locations – Leh, Panaji, Thiruvananthapuram, Puducherry, Kolkota and Agartala on six different tracks in which more than 10,000 volunteer cyclists covered over 20,000 km across 36 States and UTs spreading the message of ‘Eat Safe, Eat Healthy and Eat Fortified’.

This Yatra is a part of the ‘Eat Right India’ movement, pan-India, public health revolution to create a sustainable culture and habit of safe and healthy diets by promoting individual awareness, collective action, strengthening institutional systems and fostering partnerships.

Led by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, it is a collaborative effort of citizens, industry, social and professional organizations and other partners. The goal of this Yatra was achieved through engagement activities and events in more than 2,100 locations along the Yatra and the creation of over 21,000 local, community ‘Eat Right Champions’ who would sustain this movement in the future. With more than 10 lakh participants and 2.5 crore people reached, the yatra has made ‘Eat Right India’ a people’s movement.

The Swasth Bharat Yatra witnessed the enthusiastic participation from all states and UTs. The tremendous effort of these states was recognized through an Awards Ceremony at the Grand Finale in New Delhi.

Tamil Nadu was declared the the ‘Best State Overall’ for its exemplary participation. Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra were adjudged the Best States with population above 3 crores. Punjab, Goa and Delhi were recognized as the Best States having population less than 3 crores. Meghalaya, Jammu and Kashmir and Uttrakhand were given special awards for their participation despite their hilly and difficult terrain.

Several Associations were recognized for their effort in spreading the message of Eat Right. NCC, NSS and Nehru Yuva Kendra were honoured for their enthusiastic participation and commendable efforts throughout the yatra. Feeding India, No Food Waste, Mera Parivar, Biodizel Association of India and Vatsalya Foundation, Jaipur also contributed significantly and were also honoured.

Professional Associations such as Indian Medical Association (IMA), Association of Food Scientists and Technologists of India (AFSTI), Indian Dietetic Association (IDA), Nutrition Society of India (NSI), were recognized for bringing credibility and weight to the message of Eat Right through their professional expertise, experience and engagement with the community. Industry Associations such as CII, FICCI, ASSOCHAM, NRAI, ICC, RAI, AIFPA, FHRAI and regional Hotel and Restaurant Associations were felicitated for providing tremendous logistical support in hosting the cyclists wherever they went.

Many corporates including both food and non-food businesses extended support through donations and amplification of key messages for which they were lauded. Development Partners such as Tata Trusts, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), Nutrition International (NI), PATH, World Food Programme (WFP) and World Bank were also honoured for their support and contribution.

Eat Right Start-Up Awards have been instituted to encourage entrepreneurs in the food ecosystem. An overwhelming 126 applications have been received from which a winner in each of the four categories will be chosen at the Concluding Ceremony to receive as cash prize of INR 50,000. Shortlisted applicants will be mentored by an FSSAI-Buddy for a year.

The Eat Right India movement, particularly the Swasth Bharat Yatra have been instrumental in galvanizing the food safety network in all the states. Food safety and nutrition have now been brought prominently into public consciousness and Food Safety Commissioners are geared up to address these issues reach out to people through numerous channels. State-level committees have been reactivated to take this movement forward at the district and sub-district level in the coming months.



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