DuPont launches POWERPasta enzymes


POWERPasta™ enzyme solutions improve the consumer sensory experience while helping manage raw material costs

DuPont Nutrition & Biosciences (DuPont) has announced the launch of its DuPont™ Danisco® POWERPasta™ range of enzymes as the solution for customers in the rapidly expanding global pasta sector.

POWERPasta™ helps maintain the eating, cooking and serving qualities and authentic color of durum pastas from pack to plate, while helping food companies realize the significant raw material cost saving potential of less expensive locally or regionally sourced wheat. 

Paal Ladsten, Regional Industry Leader, Middle East & Africa said, “At DuPont Nutrition & Biosciences, we see that consumers in markets on every continent are increasingly interested in locally sourced food products, but they aren’t willing to sacrifice appearance, texture or taste. Our POWERPasta™ range of enzymes offers a solution that leads to an improved eating experience while helping producers to push for greater profits by sourcing local wheat.”

Pasta’s popularity is soaring in the Middle East and Africa, where the dry pasta sector currently accounts for $3.2 billion and is expected to grow 7.3 percent before 2023. In Turkey, Egypt and South Africa alone, more than 1,400 dry pasta products have gone to market since 2016.

In addition, the POWERPasta™ range of enzymes helps to reduce stickiness after cooking, helps prevent overcooking and improve the shape and appearance of pasta, all of which leads to a better dish of pasta.

Allyson Fish, Global Food Enzymes & Food Protection Business Leader said, “All pasta aficionados know to look for that ‘al dente’ bite, but it can be challenging to recreate that authentic experience when cooking dry pasta. Our enzymes help the producers bring that cultural authenticity to customers from around the world. We’re honored to enable the combination of local ingredients and lower costs to even more delicious meals on a global scale.”

The DuPont Food and Beverage business produces enzymes that deliver sustainable innovations across a wide variety of food and beverage products.


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