National Support Centre for Agriculture (KOWR) contributes to raising awareness of Polish food and agri-food export support


Increasing the competitiveness of the Polish agri-food sector is one of the basic areas of KOWR’s operations. The center conducts activities aimed at improving and stabilizing agricultural markets, and also supports farmers and agricultural entrepreneurs in developing their activities.

As the main Polish institution dedicated to agri-food export support, the National Support Centre for Agriculture (KOWR) contributes to raising awareness of Polish food as a brand and to fostering trade co-operation in the agri-food sector.

KOWR carries out a number of promotion activities, such as organizing economic missions and study visits in Poland and abroad, facilitating contacts between Polish and foreign companies, and organizing national stands during trade events in various world regions.

KOWR is open to establishing contacts with entities seeking co-operation with the Polish agri-food sector and in creating trade opportunities of mutual benefit.

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