To offer sustainable and functional alginates and pectin combinations
French company Algaia S.A. announces its cooperation with Herbstreith & Fox KG Germany. The companies are joining forces to provide a sustainable combination of pectin and alginates for multiple baking applications, to be marketed as both single ingredients or as a blend.
Algaia is a privately owned, established global player in the field of specialty seaweed extracts. Algaia works with local fishermen to harvest brown algae just a few kilometers from its plant in Brittany, France, to ensure a constant fresh local and renewable supply of seaweed biomass. The company is committed to control its supply and ensure its customers receive sustainable, high-quality plant-based products. Herbstreith & Fox, also privately owned, is one of the top four global players in the field of pectin both citrus and apple based. The company also pioneered multi-functional fibers extracted from traditionally edible apple and citrus raw material.
The combination of pectin and alginate works in synergy to provide better functionality and high stability, in specific bakery applications. It can be applied to bakery filling, bakery topping, pies, or cookies that use fruit preparations. For the last two years, Algaia and H&F have researched multiple pectin and alginates and determined the most effective solutions involving a specific combination of the raw materials (both seaweed and fruit), the extraction processes, and formulations.
“The origin of the seaweed plus the type of extraction technique — and in the combination with the right pectin — all are critical for providing the best customer and consumer experience,” explains Fabrice Bohin, CEO of Algaia. “However, we also acknowledge that today’s customers rightly demand a high level of transparency and traceability in the solution they choose, while consumers want to know the source of each ingredient with simple, easy to understand labels. Working with H&F ensures that our customers will receive German-origin pectin combined with fresh, wild seaweed alginate from France. Since both companies share the same vision, we offer our customers full transparency.”
The companies’ efforts do not end there. “In addition to the current offerings, we are already identifying further innovative clean label solutions that combine our alginates with pectin and citrus and apple fibers manufactured by H&F,” adds Fabrice.
“This cooperation is a win-win strategy for H&F, Algaia and customers,” says Sven Fox, H&F’s CEO. “Both companies are fully focused in their area of expertise and in their responsible supply chain and manufacturing processes.”“By offering expertise in the single ingredients, and adding the blending as service on top, this collaboration gives customers the commitment to excellence they are seeking, and providing the best functionality, highest quality, and full traceability,” Sven concludes.