8th Annual InnoPack F&B Confex to congregate trendsetters

Source: Chemarc

8th Annual InnoPack F&B Confex will be happening in Gurugram on 16-17 April 2020

F&B Industry forms about 40% of the consumer-packaged goods, making packaged food and beverages industry in India estimated to be US$ 97 billion and is expected to grow at 11.8% CAGR value for the next five years. 

With the growing synergies between food processing and packaging mandates of environmentally safe and sustainable packaging, InnoPack F&B Confex, would congregate industry and technological trendsetters, regulatory bodies, safety and quality accreditation bodies to paint the future panorama of F&B vis a vis packaging. 

8th Annual InnoPack F&B Confex will be happening in Gurugram on 16-17 April 2020.

Factors driving this confex:

PACKAGING BOOST: Packaging is India’s fifth largest and highest growth rate sector

PRODUCTION INDEX: India ranks no.1 in terms of production of several Agri-commodities and is the second biggest producer of food and beverages after China

CONSUMPTION PROFILE: India will become the third biggest market for packaged food in 2020, after China and the United States as it has a huge consumer base with 1.3 billion

GOVERNMENT INITIATIVES: The government has made commendable efforts to promote investment in the industry by channelling resources through various schemes as subsidies and grants, such as the development of integrated cold chains, mega food parks (MFPs), modern terminal markets (MTMs) and bulk storage facilities, as well as the modernisation of markets, quality control laboratories and abattoirs


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