Nine Companies in Seven Countries Begin Assessing the Nutritional Value of Target Products
Japan based Ajinomoto Co., Inc. is rolling out its nutrition improvement activities globally with the introduction of the Ajinomoto Group Nutrient Profiling System for Products (ANPS-P), which it developed as a method of scientifically assessing the nutritional value of products such as powdered soups and frozen foods.
ANPS-P will cover approximately 500 products at nine Ajinomoto Group companies in seven countries including Japan (Ajinomoto Co., Inc., Ajinomoto AGF, Inc., Ajinomoto Frozen Foods Co., Inc., AJINOMOTO CO. (THAILAND) LTD., AJINOMOTO VIETNAM CO., LTD., PT AJINOMOTO INDONESIA, AJINOMOTO PHILIPPINES CORPORATION, Ajinomoto (Malaysia) Berhad and AJINOMOTO DO BRASIL INDÚSTRIA E COMÉRCIO DE ALIMENTOS LTDA.).
The ANPS-P developed by the Ajinomoto Group is based on the scoring method of the Health Star Rating System, an NPS used mainly in Australia and New Zealand.
This system assesses the nutritional value of products based on the quantity of each nutrient that should not be consumed in excess (calories, added sugars, sodium and saturated fats) and the quantity of each nutrient and food group that tend to be underrepresented in diets and for which intake is recommended (proteins, vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes and dietary fiber).
The introduction of ANPS-P enables a better understanding of nutritional issues by using a common standard to assess the nutritional value of the Ajinomoto Group products.
Based on this understanding, the Ajinomoto Group will continue to revise its products and provide products with high nutritional value that make it easy to reduce salt and consume protein, among other benefits, thereby helping to improve consumer health. Going forward, the Ajinomoto Group also plans to develop and introduce an NPS for meals that use the Ajinomoto Group products with the aim of providing total support for a nutritionally balanced diet.