Experts emphasise on grassroots level awareness to tackle malnutrition

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A unique POSHAN-Vatika initiative is to be undertaken, which includes creating a micro-nutri environment in every village

Bringing into sharp nation-wide focus the indispensable role nutrition plays in the development of not just a child, but people and a nation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced September 2020 as POSHAN Maah or National Nutrition Month, as a key milestone for ’Kuposhan-Mukt Bharat’ – Malnutrition-Free  India, across the life cycle. A strong Panchayat-level focus forms a major highlight of this month, tracing the under-nutrition problem to India’s hinterland for a grassroots-up resolution.

Under the POSHAN Maah 2020, focus areas will be early identification, tracking and management of children suffering Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM), and plantation drives for promotion of POSHAN-Vatika or nutri-gardens.

Children with SAM are at higher risk of mortality if they develop illnesses like diarrhoea, pneumonia, malaria etc. Due to Covid-19, closure of Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) had an acute impact on growth monitoring and promotion activities. The identification of probable children suffering from SAM will entail house-to-house visits by Anganwadi workers, making mothers informed and aware and via other platforms like Village Health Sanitation and Nutrition Day (VHSND), health facilities and hospitals, and Poshan application.

Organising four POSHAN Panchayats with discussion on malnutrition situation within the Panchayat –i.e.  status update on 1. detection of SAM children, 2. measures taken for their referral and management, 3. provision of nutrition to them, 4. required physical, infrastructural and social support for mothers and acknowledgement or appreciation of frontline workers – Triple A’s – Anganwadi Worker (AWW), Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA), Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM) — is one of the key components of the POSHAN Maah. 

A unique POSHAN-Vatika initiative is to be undertaken, which includes creating a micro-nutri environment in every village. The space available at AWCs, panchayat area, and vacant lands of village to be used in the cultivation of vegetables, fruits, and important herbs.

According to Ms Rachna Sujay, Senior Technical Advisor, Alive & Thrive, FHI360, “to improve the health and nutrition status of a gram panchayat, the sarpanch or mukhiya and the PRI members, are the first responders to a large grassroots population. By adopting the following four steps, they can improve the situation of the gram panchayat and make them ’suposhit’ (well-nourished). The first is to review the health and nutrition services being provided by all departments especially to pregnant women and infants & young children and provide necessary support and corrective action. The second is a community awareness campaign by panchayat leaders on right messages on health and nutrition practices. Third, according to Sujay is on-site visits to community based service delivery points by the leader of the Panchayat to ensure everything is in place, and to boost community’s faith into these services. The fourth is how to prioritize, plan and budget health and nutrition activities in the annual Gram Panchayat Development Plans.” 

Dr Surabhi Jain, chief nutritionist and lactation consultant, Nutriwell India, said “Breast milk is a boon for infants which protect them from infections and other diseases. Mother’s optimum Nutrition status and exclusive breastfeeding for initial six months followed by nutritious complementary feeding helps in decreasing infant mortality and ensuring the infant’s optimal growth and development. Educated and aware mothers and elderly women of the family can play a pivotal role in a child’s overall development. Anganwadi centers established under Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) providing door-to-door awareness and nutrition care services are components in fighting malnutrition. With regard to complementary feeding, apart from providing nutrient-dense foods under the supplementary nutrition program through Anganwadi centres it is essential that Anganwadi workers promote use of locally available affordable and safe nutrient rich foods to prepare complementary food at home and feeding the child the same in adequate quantity the right number of times.”

The Vision 2021 of “Kuposhan-Mukt Bharat” is elaborated as – “Healthy, optimally nourished children, realizing their growth and development potential, active learning capacity and adult productivity; Healthy, optimally nourished women realizing their social and economic development potential; In protective, nurturing, gender-sensitive and inclusive community environments – That enhance human and national development in the present – and in the future.” (Nutrition Strategy, Niti Aayog). 

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