FSSAI opens Eat Right Challenge in Sikkim

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Sikkim has been chosen for this movement in an interesting way to strengthen the food safety and regulatory environment, build awareness amongst the consumers and urge people to make the right food choices

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Government of India FSSA Cell, Health & Family Welfare Department Government of Sikkim recently organized a programme with the tagline “inspiring trust, assuring safe & Nutritious Food”.

On Feb 1, Health Minister Dr. M.K.Sharma inaugurated the Eat Right Challenge, Gangtok, an initiative of the FSSAI.

The ‘Eat Right India’ movement has been creating awareness among the people about safe, sustainable and healthy dietary habits. In order to convert the programme into a people’s movement, FSSAI recently came up with the Eat Right Challenge, an annual competition for 197 Districts and Cities. Moreover, it is aimed at motivating states to improve efficiency and motivate every single person to join.

Sikkim has been chosen for this movement in an interesting way to strengthen the food safety and regulatory environment, build awareness amongst the consumers and urge people to make the right food choices. The Food Safety Commissioners and district officials also joined the programme.

During the programme, Minister Sharma talked in length about the poor lifestyle and diet along with consumption of Trans fats; especially industrially produced (IP) trans fats which is a major risk factor for various diseases.

Sharma also emphasised the role of our old traditional ways of consuming food that has guided people towards right eating practices by categorizing food based on the effects it had on the body.

Ashwin Bhadri, CEO of Equinox Labs, highlights the pressing need for the campaign, “A proper diet helps in building one’s immunity and resilience towards various kinds of infections. The fact that 61.8% of deaths from non-communicable diseases like hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular complications etc., are directly or indirectly related to a faulty diet is something we cannot ignore.”

Bhadri continues, “The Eat Right India movement will help us focus on prioritizing food, nutrition and awareness about our eating and dietary habits, and tackle the challenges associated with it. The combination of healthy eating habits and active physical activity will lead to a better and healthy India.”


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