Eat these foods and reduce anxiety and stress

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Fruits and vegetables need to be taken in sufficient amounts to maintain good health and mental stability

It is, often, what we eat that decides our mental state of mind. A balanced diet, therefore, is critical to ensure that your mental health is good. Fruits and vegetables need to be taken in sufficient amounts to maintain good health and mental stability. Daily exercise of some form and meditation are also essential for better mental health and resistance.

Following are a few significantly powerful food items to maintain mental health:

  • Dark chocolate: It is highly nutritious and the best form of chocolate to consume. Dark chocolate also is a rich source of antioxidants that protect your body from free radicals. It is known to improve blood flow and reduce blood pressure. It is possibly effective in reducing heart problems and improves brain function.
  • Chamomile tea: We all know that green tea is a potent tea in building a fit body. Chamomile tea, on the other hand, is effective in reducing blood pressure. Among women, it is effective in lessening period pain as well. It has also shown an effect on being an anti-inflammatory drink. It is a tea that is known to help induce sleep and relaxation. It is one of the most preferred drinks for people dealing with stress and anxiety.
  • Turmeric: It has an active compound called curcumin. It is known to be an anti-inflammatory agent. Scientists have observed that Turmeric is highly efficacious in patients with depression. It also improves mood and memory, especially among older people.
  • Yoghurt: Research suggests that consuming yoghurt, especially probiotic, can help improve the mental health of a person. It also said that those consuming yoghurt experience less stress, depression and anxiety. The research found a link between the gut microbiome and mental health, therefore, helping in better mental health.
  • Oily fish and nuts: The human body has a brain that needs healthy fats – omega-3 and -6. Oily fish and nuts are a powerful source of such healthy fats that keep the brain function well. Nuts such as walnuts and almonds are ideal for daily consumption. Oily fish such as salmon and sardines are a rich source of fatty acids. They are essential for brain function and development and to maintain a healthy mental state of mind.

Your car needs fuel to function properly. Similarly, your body needs fuel as well. The fuel comes from fruits and vegetables and healthy eating habits. Our eating habits and what we eat directly affects our brain. If your brain is deprived of nutrition, it will contribute to brain tissue damage. Consequences are expected. Our Indian staple diet is the best diet to maintain good health. Eating well is in our hands, and only we can better our mental health with our consumption of healthy food.


Dr Priya Kaul, Spiritual Life Coach, and Healer, Ghaziabad


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