Uttarakhand exports first consignment of vegetables to UAE

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Uttarakhand government has been supporting organic farming

In a major boost to agricultural produce exports from Uttarakhand, first consignment of vegetables including curry leaf, okra, pear and bitter gourd sourced from the farmers of Haridwar, was exported to Dubai, United Arab Emirates on July 26, 2021.

The exports of vegetables come after a consignment of millets grown in Uttarakhand was exported to Denmark in May, 2021.

Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), in collaboration with Uttarakhand Agriculture Produce Marketing Board (UKAPMB) & Just Organik, an exporter, sourced & processed ragi (finger millet), and jhingora (barnyard millet) from farmers in Uttarakhand for exports, which meets the organic certification standards of the European Union.

The Uttarakhand government has been supporting organic farming. UKAPMB, through a unique initiative, has been supporting thousands of farmers for organic certification. These farmers produce mainly millets such as Ragi, Barnyard millet, Amaranthus etc.

APEDA has been carrying out promotional activities to bring Uttarakhand on the agricultural and processed food products export map of India. APEDA is planning to provide financial assistance for setting up a pack house in Uttarakhand which would fulfil the mandatory requirement or infrastructure for export of fresh fruits and vegetables to the international market.



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