Patanjali opens wellness centre in Delhi


To make yoga popular and range of ayurvedic treatments available

Yoga Guru Ramdev recently inaugurated Patanjali wellness centre and FitReaks Gym in west Vinod Nagar of New Delhi.

The Patanjali wellness centre is aimed to make yoga popular and the range of ayurvedic treatments available ensuring the health and wellness of people.

The newly inaugurated wellness centre aims to ensure the good health of all Indians for ‘Bharat Nirmaan’ to build a prosperous India.

With the wellness centre, Yoga guru Ramdev also inaugurated a technologically advanced gym with a sauna facility spread across 19000 square feet.

Anubhav Jain, MD, FitReaks India said “We are pleased to collaborate with Patanjali wellness center for opening one of our new technologically advanced gyms. The facility spread across 19000 square feet with advanced equipment will help bodybuilding enthusiasts under expert supervision coupled with ayurvedic-based wellness treatments.”  

The initiative is part of Yoga guru Ramdev’s commitment to launch 10,000 Patanjali Wellness and Health Centres globally to popularise yoga, starting with 1,000 centers in the country in a short time.

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