Clara Foods launches world’s first animal-free egg protein

Image caption: Arturo Elizondo, CEO and founder of The EVERY Company

Clara Foods re-brands to the EVERY Company

Clara Foods, US-based food technology company accelerating the world’s transition to animal-free proteins, becomes the EVERY Company and launches the world’s first animal-free, nature-equivalent egg protein — EVERY ClearEgg.

In its quest to launch a portfolio of egg proteins for every application, the EVERY Company’s first egg protein offers a highly soluble, nearly invisible protein boost for use in food and beverage products.

Following EVERY ClearEgg, The EVERY Company’s egg protein portfolio will offer a broad array of functionalities as it expands its product platform.

EVERY ClearEgg is a highly soluble, versatile and functional egg white protein that provides brands with unrivaled optical clarity and a more neutral sensory profile than any leading plant- or animal-based protein on the market.

In development for seven years and now the first to market, EVERY ClearEgg enables brands to add a nearly tasteless protein boost to hot and cold beverages, acidic juices, energy drinks, carbonated and clear beverages, as well as snacks and nutrition bars. EVERY products will be sold globally by Ingredion, a leading Fortune 500 ingredients distributor.


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