UK Modi Group launches child-nutrition brand Groviva in Kolkata

Image credit: Newsvoir

The product is taste tested and customised as per the Indian palate

The Umesh Modi Group (UK Modi Group), a diversified industrial conglomerate with interests in Pharma, Health & Nutrition, Cosmetics, writing instruments, Power, Sugar industries and AlcoBevs, has announced the launch of child-nutrition brand Groviva in Kolkata.

West Bengal which contributes almost 20 per cent to the child health drinks category is the first state identified for the launch of ‘New Groviva’.

Groviva is the flagship brand of Signutra, the Health & Nutrition division of UK Modi Group, catering to the nutritional requirements of children 2 years & above for addressing their overall growth & development. 

Umesh K Modi, Chairman, UK Modi Group said, “We have developed its formulation in such a way that consumers can continue to use just 2 scoops of the product, twice a day while getting the right dose of nutrition.”

Groviva contains 38 key nutrients including Certi5 signature nutrients and complies with ICMR guidelines. The product is taste tested and customised as per the Indian palate. 

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