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Adarsh Gram Skill Camps in Semra and Yarna villages of Prayagraj district in Uttar Pradesh
In an effort to recognise the skills of the workforce, formally certify and link them to employment opportunities, Skill India Mission is conducting a special Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) programme for candidates in Semra and Yarna in Prayagraj district of Uttar Pradesh, under its SANKALP programme (Skill Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion).
The programme, implemented through Adarsh Gram Skill Camps (AGSC) aims to certify candidates in 100+ villages across Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Odisha, Assam, Tripura, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu.
On 14th December, in Semra, over 100 candidates have been certified in Pickle Making Technician job role. Similarly, for 15th December, 116 additional candidates are being certified as Pickle Makers and Traditional Snack and Savoury makersin Yarna.
Under Adarsh Gram Skill Camps project, weekly RPL camps are being conducted for 12 hours spread over 3-5 days, and every certified candidate receives Rs 500 as reward money post successful certification. The project aims to enhance the percentage of skilled workers by providing skill-based certification to more than 15,000 workers. Till date, over 2,200 candidates have been trained across 24 villages.