Sauce.VC and Rannvijay Singha invest in beverage brand Rockit

The brand has an exciting pipeline of products in energy drinks, fruit-flavoured drinks and hydration products to be launched over time

Rockit, a new-age beverage brand founded by Vedant Garg, seasoned FMCG founder and professional, raised a 6 Cr pre-seed investment round led by Sauce.VC and Rannvijay Singha.

Sauce VC, one of India’s most successful early-stage consumer investors, has invested in Rockit at the idea stage and is working closely with the management to identify market gaps and create a differentiated brand in the beverage industry. The company, which provides an array of energy drinks, is focusing on an omnichannel presence starting with North Indian states like the UP, Punjab, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh and gradually expanding pan-India.

The first product, Rockit Energy drink, is a mass-priced berry-flavoured energy drink, which operates in the fast-growing energy drinks space, where berry-flavoured drinks are nearly 90 per cent of the market by volume.  The market is currently dominated by a single brand, providing adequate opportunity to build multiple profitable brands in the category. Rockit energy drink was soft-launched initially in Haryana and met with very encouraging responses on both taste and packaging.

The brand has an exciting pipeline of products in energy drinks, fruit-flavoured drinks and hydration products to be launched over time.

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