Cargill reveals findings of global FATitudes study


A majority of consumers report fat and oil type are important factors in purchasing decisions

Most consumers (68 percent) across the world report closely monitoring the type and amount of fat and oil in their packaged food, according to a recent global FATitudes study from Cargill. The study confirmed that consumers track what goes into their bodies by closely reading labels of packaged foods, with fat and oil type as strong purchase consideration factors.

FATitudes is a study conducted by Cargill each year to learn more about consumers’ awareness, perceptions and behaviors around fats and oils found in packaged foods, and to help inform the future of food innovation. This year, approximately 6,600 primary household grocery shoppers were surveyed in 12 countries including the United States, Germany, China, Brazil, the United Kingdom and more.

Some of the key findings of the study-

  • A majority of global consumers report the amount of fat (70 percent) and type of oil (67 percent) are important factors when determining which packaged foods to purchase
  • How often consumers read labels differs by geography. Chinese consumers pay the most attention (89 percent), and German consumers monitor the least (48 percent)
  • Nearly two-thirds (61 percent) of U.S. consumers report avoiding certain fats or oils, and among those who rank as “clean-label seekers,” 83 percent report avoiding certain fats or oils, like saturated and trans fats
  • Olive oil tops the list in every country for impact on purchase and perceptions of healthfulness in packaged foods, followed by fish and avocado oils
  • A vast majority of global consumers, 93 percent, were aware of omega-3s, which is an important nutrient with many health benefits some consumers don’t get through their typical diet

The results from FATitudes help Cargill food innovators understand what consumers want, enabling them to develop innovative products that deliver on changing needs and desires. By gathering consumer-based insights, strategic product development can take shape more effectively.

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