Lok Sabha passes NIFTEM Bill 2021

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To confer the status of national importance to NIFTEM at Kundli, and IIFPT at Thanjavur

The National Institutes of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM) Bill 2021 has been passed by the Lok Sabha, to confer the status of institutions of national importance to National Institute of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM) at Kundli, Haryana, and the Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology (IIFPT) at Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu.

According to the Bill, the legislation would provide for functional autonomy to the institutes to design and develop courses, undertake research activities and leverage enhanced status in their academic pursuits so that they become world class institutes.

The institutes would implement the reservation policy of the Government and would also undertake special outreach activities for the benefit of concerned stakeholders.

With enhanced profile of the Institutes, the food processing industries can draw best talents which in turn will lead to proliferation of the Sector with innovative products/processes, etc. and will generate employment.

The Bill also provides for a Board of Governors, which will be the principal executive body of the institutes.

It will also provide flexibility to the institutes to have foreign collaborations on academic and research front. 

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