Overweight children developing heart complications: Study

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Youth with high BMI showed signs of artery stiffness, a risk factor for cardiovascular disease

The percentage of obese children and teens jumped from 19% pre-pandemic to 22%, according to a study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And the rate at which body mass index (BMI) increased doubled.

New research from the University of Georgia in the US suggests that could spell bad news for children’s cardiovascular systems both now and down the line.

The researchers found significantly higher levels of visceral fat and arterial stiffness in the overweight youth, suggesting that abdominal fat likely contributes to cardiovascular problems in kids.

“We need to know the underlying factors contributing to poor health outcomes so that we can identify where to target, whether that’s through diet, physical activity, sleep or some other intervention. Identification is key, and then intervention is critical”, said the researchers.


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