Nutrizoe develops innovative dissolvable oral strips for women’s wellness

One of its kind women’s nourishment brand

Introducing a paradigm shift in drug delivery worldwide, dissolvable oral thin films (OTTFs) are a fast-emerging dosage alternative set to revolutionise the over-the-counter industry. Bringing the efficacy of these quick and effective solutions to the domain of women’s wellness in India, Mumbai-based startup Nutrizoe has launched three different sets of oral strips.

Nail the Nausea addresses the issue of morning sickness and nausea during pregnancy. The strips have essential anti emetics, Gingerols, and multivitamins- C, E, and B Complex, zinc, and lemon. The strip additionally helps supplement diet, builds immunity, and aids in digestion. 

Prep The Pregnancy is a novel patented combination of essential minerals like Folic Acid and Vitamins. It has 4th generation Folate called Quatrefolic which is clinically backed finished folate for higher absorption and effectiveness and Vitamins B6, B12, and D3 and are prescribed to be consumed for fertility during pre-conception and pregnancy.

Calm The Chums has VAC (Vitex Agnus Castus) or commonly called as Chasteberry, a clinically proven ingredient along with the combination of iron from AB-Fortis and Vitamin B6 for period pains, cramps, mood irritability, and PMS relief. These products seek to provide relief from different challenges faced by women during their lifecycles.

“An alternative to clunky supplement pills and syrups, oral thin films easily dissolve in the mouth and are easy to swallow. Better buccal absorption through saliva ensures contents directly enter the bloodstream than through the stomach,” said Richa Pendake, Founder & CEO, Nutrizoe.

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