NIN conducts workshop on dietary mycotoxin exposure in India


The workshop brought together academics and key stakeholders from government organizations

An international partnership workshop was recently conducted at the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), Hyderabad funded by Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Fund (ISSF) at University of Aberdeen, UK on the dietary mycotoxin exposure in India and its possible link to chronic diseases.

The Workshop was inaugurated by Dr. R Hemalatha, Director, NIN. Mr. Akun Sabharwal, IPS, Commissioner & Ex-officio Secretary, Civil Supplies, Govt. of Telangana was the Guest of Honour. Dr. Ramesh V Bhat, Former Scientist of NIN and International Food Safety Expert delivered the Keynote Address.

Dr Silvia Gratz, The Rowett Institute, Dr Amudha Poobalan and Dr Janet Kyle from the Institute of Applied Health Sciences, University of Aberdeen also spoke on the theme.

The workshop brought together academics and key stakeholders from government organizations, health and women and child welfare departments of the State government. The aim of the workshop was to develop a joint project addressing the importance of mycotoxin exposure in childhood stunting.

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