Vitafoods India 2025 ignites powerful knowledge exchange, elevating future of nutraceuticals
Providing 90,000 nutritious meals and conducting nutrition and hygiene workshops in government schools Amway India, one of the leading companies supporting health and wellbeing needs, is addressing the critical issue of childhood malnutrition through a
The store features a specially designed coffee-forward menu for its consumers while their pets relish a delicious treat – Starbucks Puppuccino TATA Starbucks has announced the launch of its first pet-friendly store in India, located
The products will include several popular local brands, such as Gainda, Saras, Gowardhan, Mahakosh, Rajdhani, Desi Choice, Laxmi Bhog, Tagore and more Flipkart, India's homegrown e-commerce marketplace, has launched its new grocery fulfilment centre (FC)
From the nutrient-packed safeda to the flavourful badami and the honey-like sindhura to the pulpy totapuri, you can enjoy over 20+ varieties of mangoes available on Amazon Fresh Amazon Fresh has recently launched the Mango Store to ensure the best quality mangoes are delivered
The international ice cream flavours include dulce de ieche from Argentina, butter pecan from the USA, French caramel, English apple, Persian peach, Belgian chocolate, Swiss chocolate, Jamaican toto, Spanish tango, Italian fudge, Turkish coffee, California
Announced the opening of its new stores in Jaipur, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab & Jammu NRI Chaiwala known for its dedication and commitment to distinct and authentic flavours announced the expansion of its footprints in North